Will power filter suck fry in?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 19, 2005
someonestolemyname;514221; said:
my convicts had babies and the convicts territory is next to the intake and i never saw them get sucked up ive watched them for hours and they never got sucked up from what i saw they were fast enough to dart away from it when they were being pulled in so idk

I've never had a problem either. HOB filter with convicts and Fluval 304 with dempseys.. I didn't have a problem with either getting sucked in.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 25, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
Since starting this thread, THREE pairs formed and spawned altogether. Never saw wrigglers after the usual 3 days (to hatch) but found a bunch of free swimming fry from one pair on Thursday! Wahey!
Was due to have a day off on Friday (was planning on separating fry), but ended up having to work. When I got home, could only see 1 or 2 fry. Still no sign of fry from the other original spawning, and the third spawn are still eggs.
Decided to remove what fry I could today, but couldn't see ANY this morning. Slowly took rocks out of tank (they'd been spawning inside the "caves"), but no luck. No fry to be seen.
I'd done the 'hose round the filter intake thing, and even checked inside to make sure, but nothing.
I'm gutted - it was my first con spawnings, so naturally I was pretty excited. Parents looked like they were taking good care of the fry as well, so I don't know what happened. Didn't have a chance to take the other juveniles out of the tank (didn't want to remove one of the parents by mistake either) so maybe they lunched on the fry...
It wasn't a planned spawning so I'll just chalk it up to experience and try to rescue the fry from the existing eggs. I'm going to take all the excess juveniles to lfs - they'll give me store credit. Then maybe I can get a brood going with the remaining breeders.
Thanks for all the replies guys
Let you know how it goes.