55 gallon suggestions


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 29, 2012
ummm Glo-fish
bio engineered fish w jelly fish coral DNA
they have danios and phantom tetras in my neck of the woods...seem like 5 a pop

but if u can get golden rams or blues///dwarf chilids that r good community fish. a bit pricey but worth it!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 29, 2012
my 1st thoughts were get a bigger tank...not being rude, but its a bit small to house much///
but then it may be all the space u can spare 4 a tank...nano cubes were a thing 4 awhile===they were great 4 ocd types(j/k) they had good points & bad points...
look into doing a community tank if u r looking @ it as a primary piece in the family room. u want it to be nice tranquil and enjoyable if u have kids and a wife/husband,,,if not its ur decor

the skys the limit...look @ what others have got posted in the photo contest and go from there, see what tickles ur fancy. either way good luck


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2013
We'll I,m leaning toward african cichlids. Might start with some of the less aggressive types like yellow labs and acei. I think I can have a descent nice looking stock in a 55. My next choice was a planted angelfish tank but I already have angels in my 37 gallon upstairs.

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 19, 2012
Calgary, AB
We'll I,m leaning toward african cichlids. Might start with some of the less aggressive types like yellow labs and acei. I think I can have a descent nice looking stock in a 55. My next choice was a planted angelfish tank but I already have angels in my 37 gallon upstairs.

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If you want to go the cichlid route I would go with Africans like you said. Make sure your male to female ratios are good though. If you do go with some of the larger Africans though keep in mind you will have to upgrade or only keep a few.

If you want to go with SA/CA then a bigger tank would be best. Unless you keep like a firemouth pair or like convicts. Largest I would go with in that tank would be a young breeding pair of jacks. Or just a single jack until it hits like the 9-10" mark.

You could also do a really dice drawf cichlid tank. With like apistos or kribensis cichlids.

Lastly for cichlids would be like and of the shortbodied fish like sb flowerhorns, blood parrots or like sb texas. Even kirin parrots.

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MFK Member
Aug 13, 2013
Georgia, USA
Just posting my 55g stocking in case for some reason you don't go your cichlid route. I hope you enjoy whatever you end up doing, and hope the kids enjoy it too!

1 Golden gourami, 1 longfin albino bristlnose pleco, 16 rummynose tetras, 7 albino cories, 7 khuli loaches, 1 bamboo shrimp, 1 blue mystery snail.
I don't have any pics that capture the activity of the tank very well so here is a vid. Sorry it's not the best quality.
Ignore the molt, I left that there for my shrimp but have taken it out now :p
