My "Aequidens metae", part 2


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 2, 2008
I saw the extended saddle in pretty much all of the fish in the video, though it was really really pale in some of them. Even the pale fish at the 17-18 sec mark seemed to have it, but that could have been the black sponge showing through the dorsal.
As their colors continue to settle and they are calming down a bit, I have been able to sit and observe them more. The black saddle definitely extends into the dorsal on all of them. It doesn't go all the way to the top of the dorsal, but it definitely bleeds into the base of it. I can see this when they flare at each other during feeding time. One of them does, in fact, have a paler spot. She (I'm saying she because she's smaller and stockier) has lighter color in general. The funny thing is that I can see the black in her dorsal, but the actual spot on her body is pale, giving the impression that the saddle is bisected.

They are lively little things. They aren't shy at all now that they associate me with food. When I walked up to the tank with a packet of bloodworms tonight, they sat right near the lid with tails wagging impatiently. It's probably the fastest turn-around I've ever had with a new group of cichlids.

I gotta tell you, this has made me really happy. It was an unexpected surprise. Best $42 I've spent on a group of fish in a while. :D


MFK Member
Aug 10, 2011
A little place called C At Hell
As their colors continue to settle and they are calming down a bit, I have been able to sit and observe them more. The black saddle definitely extends into the dorsal on all of them. It doesn't go all the way to the top of the dorsal, but it definitely bleeds into the base of it. I can see this when they flare at each other during feeding time. One of them does, in fact, have a paler spot. She (I'm saying she because she's smaller and stockier) has lighter color in general. The funny thing is that I can see the black in her dorsal, but the actual spot on her body is pale, giving the impression that the saddle is bisected.

They are lively little things. They aren't shy at all now that they associate me with food. When I walked up to the tank with a packet of bloodworms tonight, they sat right near the lid with tails wagging impatiently. It's probably the fastest turn-around I've ever had with a new group of cichlids.

I gotta tell you, this has made me really happy. It was an unexpected surprise. Best $42 I've spent on a group of fish in a while. :D
Glad to hear they are starting to warm up to you, Ryan. I'll be getting a couple from Wetspot this weekend, hopefully. Wasn't able to drive down last Sunday. Oddly enough with my 3, is that one of them has segregated itself from the others two and sometimes displays metae patterns...even though it will turn back into the long lateral stripe with the saddle mark going into the dorsal....its very strange.

Wow very nice, all these gorgeous metae threads are making me want some lol

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Will, the majority of the fish present in this thread are Aequidens Diadema or Jenaro Herrera, although Metae are stunning in their own right...Diadema and Jenaro Herrera take the cake when full grown, imo.


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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
They are very nice looking fish. I'm really loving mine, they are very personable and interactive. Yes mine go nuts if I walk anywhere near the tank always begging for food.


MFK Member
Aug 10, 2011
A little place called C At Hell
They are very nice looking fish. I'm really loving mine, they are very personable and interactive. Yes mine go nuts if I walk anywhere near the tank always begging for food.
You got any pics, Aquanero? Are yours starting to color up?


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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
These are from a couple of weeks ago.






MFK Member
Jul 5, 2006
I went and grabbed 4 of these guys from the Wet Spot today. Looking forward to growing them out along with the eight G. abalios I picked up as well. They're still listed as metae in the retail store.


MFK Member
Aug 10, 2011
A little place called C At Hell
I went and grabbed 4 of these guys from the Wet Spot today. Looking forward to growing them out along with the eight G. abalios I picked up as well. They're still listed as metae in the retail store.
Awesome to hear, Modest_man...They are definitely not aequidens metae, and there's some evidence about them being aequidens jenaro herrara.

I have 3 aequidens JH from Rapps last month, and have 4 of these acara coming from Wetspot tomorrow. Really hope they are aequidens JH. They are such stunning fish!


MFK Member
Jul 5, 2006
I was up in the Seattle area this weekend for Easter, with a bit more notice I probably could have dropped some off for you.

Random fact that I found out today. The Wet Spot charges more for fish in their retail store vs online. Managed to convince Travis to sell me the G. abalios at the online group price ($6 each vs $10), but he wouldn't cut me a deal on the Aequidens. Ha. Next time I buy a bunch of fish I should do it all online and try to just pick up in person! I'm going to grab some of the S. daemon they've got in a couple weeks.