Water hardness realities compared to what people say..


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
On a statistical basis alone, we have to logically assume that for every random person who posts a video of their giant clown loaches or giant discuss in hardwater tanks that there must be at least 10,000 people with even bigger clown loaches and even larger discus in hardwater tanks who haven't decided to post videos and never will.
Haha what? Where are you getting that number from? What statistics?


MFK Member
Jun 27, 2016
I disagree with you. You are making qualitative observations based on google, YouTube, etc. searches, then add your assumptions, which appear groundless, and draw universe-wide quantitative conclusions.

What is your point? It seems no one agrees with you in any of your threads where you appear to start some kind of revolution in our thinking, challenging status quo etc.

You only convince yourself. Do you simply enjoy being a challenger and a rebel?

What do you yourself keep and what have you kept?

What's your fish-keeping history?

Look at these large soft water clown loaches in a hard water tank with tons of African Cichlids.

Yeah I'm really out there with my examples.. :)

Look at those gorgeous soft water fish in that hard water doing great! :)


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Understood. I agree with your empirical findings, no problem. Every sane person does.

I disagree with some / most of your grandeur conclusions, apart from something we have all known for a long time -

[1] -- fish are being tank / pond / farm raised in "wrong" water by generations and hence are getting more accustomed to water that's wrong for their w/c kin

[2] -- fish are very resilient and highly adaptable in general but there are exceptions and limits, which are rather well understood for each commonly-kept species by now


One more time, you are new here and people respond better to someone who shares their passion and experience.

If you don't keep fish and only search internet and get your kicks from raising eyebrows, you won't be taken seriously here.

People don't relate to "Google scholars" and "YouTube crusaders" with no-to-little personal experience.

You will be dismissed as a troll in the eyes of most, I am afraid.

1. So, what do you keep?
2. What have you kept?
3. What's your fish keeping history?
4. Post your fish, tank pics and vids, if you will, so we know better who we deal with.

Pretty please.

Feel free to start your own thread on this topic, which would probably be the right route, and link it here.


... and not just you, others have made this insane claim as well...

.... The insane, nutty argument that "Well most people never end up with big fish blah blah blah" is pure BS and we know this based on the internet being readily available...

..."Only forum people can grow big fish and most fish die after 2 years blah blah" is completely opposite of a quick google search result.
Please, muster your strength and manners and refrain from insulting everybody / most of us here, if you will, starting from the name calling and ending with putting some sort of arrogant words in our mouth, albeit the last statement about "only forum people" would largely hold water, if softened.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 7, 2013
You're just mad that your soft water nuttery is just that, nuttery, and you can be disproved by a mere google search.
I would challenge you (or one of the keepers in the videos you linked if you don't keep fish) to attempt this wild caught Uaru Fernandezyepezi, I've heard they are quite intolerant of harder water but I'm sure you'll show us the light.


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
You're just mad that your soft water nuttery is just that, nuttery, and you can be disproved by a mere google search.
My friend and dearest brother, I couldn't' care less about what you think :) truly, and I wish you only the best.

But IMHO your posts are absurd, especially from someone who never raised a single fish to a monster size. And I am not talking about a betta, or even a discus, or a clown loach. Go raise a few fish to 3'+ size and then come back and lecture us, "Sensei".

I will operate under a following assumption:

You are a rude troll with no fish keeping experience. My take is - you need to be weeded out so you can take your "internet + wild assumptions = nonsense" activities elsewhere.

Judging from your screenname and questionable inclinations, you'd better join a political forum :)


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
If it's on the internet than it must be true. Rule of thumb.
It's not this. Many things, especially videos, not words, are hard data.

It's the wild assumptions and interpretations sucked out of a finger that the OP likes to engage in.

And that's a waste of our time :)


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
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