Your bravest fish


MFK Member
Dec 9, 2013
Thread like this, and NOBODY said "my convict"? I have a 3 inch convict living in my 540 with bruisers. He'll fight any of them, anytime I've never seen him turn around and run away. Not one time. He's the only fish I have that I've never seen run.
Lol, I've had to abandon convicts as they never back down; GT's JD's, Oscars, you name it. Plus when it gets to bigger cichlids such as Jaguars, the cons just bait them then quickly hide behind ornaments, crafty little gits


MFK Member
Dec 27, 2011
I have two. 1 is a baby green terror that was a little bigger than a quarter when I got him. I put him in my 75 ready for him to dart for the plants. But he sat right in the middle of open water just staring at me like "whats up" he is the smallest in the tank but is always out in the middle looking at me. I sometimes think it is because the LFS had him in with 15 butterkoferi and 4 flowerhorns so it was like going from maximum security prison to a vacation resort. I hate that store and wont go back.

The other is a 4" HRP (in my avatar) latched on to my knuckle when I was vacuuming the tank. He bit me twice I could not believe such a little fish would come at me like that.
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MFK Member
Dec 9, 2013
I have two. 1 is a baby green terror that was a little bigger than a quarter when I got him. I put him in my 75 ready for him to dart for the plants. But he sat right in the middle of open water just staring at me like "whats up" he is the smallest in the tank but is always out in the middle looking at me. I sometimes think it is because the LFS had him in with 15 butterkoferi and 4 flowerhorns so it was like going from maximum security prison to a vacation resort. I hate that store and wont go back.

The other is a 4" HRP (in my avatar) latched on to my knuckle when I was vacuuming the tank. He bit me twice I could not believe such a little fish would come at me like that.
Mine does that too! He doesn't move either, my Oscar used to glass surf and open and shut his mouth like a dope.

GT just sits at the very front, staring at me lol; I woke up from napping on my couch yesterday and he was doing it, it was creepy haha.

GT's always remind me of "Alien" by Ridley Scott lol, which doesn't help haha
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MFK Member
Dec 27, 2011
I was confused by your post then I realized I wrote Green Terror. I actually meant my Green Severum LOL. I don't have GT's anymore. I have been seeing allot of GT threads lately I must have them on the brain hahaha.

But yeah, My little Green Severum is boss which is so funny because they are pretty passive fish he isnt aggressive but not afraid of anything.


MFK Member
Dec 9, 2013
I was confused by your post then I realized I wrote Green Terror. I actually meant my Green Severum LOL. I don't have GT's anymore. I have been seeing allot of GT threads lately I must have them on the brain hahaha.

But yeah, My little Green Severum is boss which is so funny because they are pretty passive fish he isnt aggressive but not afraid of anything.
Yeah I think cause the forum is so relatively quiet just now, its easier for trends to come and go with fish popularity lol; my money is on buttikoferi threads becoming more popular due to recent posts lol.


MFK Member
Dec 9, 2013
My school of giant danios they are 5 inches plus and will nip at anyones fingers. Even if you pick one up and out of the water they come right back at your hands. Actually my favorite fish and I have had many in my 45 years plus of fishkeeping.
Do you have pictures of your danios? I've never seen giants that big!

pacu mom

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2006
northern CA
I do not have brave fish. I have two monstrous fish with vivid imaginations. They get spooked by imagined threats, and it takes crashing into a tank lid or wall to bring them back to reality. Leonardo managed to slice off his lower lip. Thankfully, his lip regenerated.

Last month Adonis managed to fillet himself open with 2"+ very deep open wound behind his head. It was too hideous and gruesome to take a picture of. I am glad that it is healing well.

Both injuries were so terrible, I feared for their lives. (I'm sure if a smaller fish had similar injuries, the fish would not survive) They are so big and powerful, they can hurt themselves really badly launching into tank lids. I wish they were brave and didn't spook, but then they wouldn't be the lovable gentle jolly giants that they are.