
  1. T

    Black beard algae and the dispised Chinese Algae Eater

    Hello all , Im new to the forum . Ive returned to the hobby after a 25 year absence. I have been battling blackbeard algae in a 20 gall tall. Ive read many comments on Siamese Algae Eaters as a commonly known fact that they are one of the few that will dine on it. After shutting...
  2. mattybecks

    Africans & CAE ?

    Hello Chaps. Any advice or feedback on keeping mixed Africans (11 in total) with a Chinese algae eater? The Africans are now a little more than an inch. The same tank also has two bumble bee catfish, 21 tiger barbs and 2 Siamese algae eaters. Some root wood, and quite a fair number of plants...