
  1. P

    My 1 year old Alligator Gar does not want to eat

    I've had my gator gar for about 1 year already. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed it would spit out everything I gave it. I figured it might just be full. I've been trying to feed it every few days to see if it would start eating again, but the behavior has not changed. It's been almost two weeks...
  2. N

    Pleco poisoned by ichX treatment??

    Pleco sick from treatment??? 125gallon freshwater, partially planted, river rock substrate (sparsely covered) currently: (see below for prev details) I THINK the plan is to get a new carbon filter since the water changes seem to upset him and use that to clear the water giving a few days for...
  3. Addi_13

    What is the easiest and most successful way to pellet train RTG Arowana?

    Hello Guys, I bought a blue base 9" Super grade RTG on 22nd December 2017, I kept him in a 342 gallon community tank. Initially he was eating Dried shrimps but then his fin and tail got nipped pretty bad so I separated him. From last 1 month he is in a 50 gallon quarantine...
  4. L

    Jardini not eating.

    Hello guys, I don't know why but this jardini that i have has a very weak appetite. I have him since Nov 2016. from 3" now he is about 8". Now he has not been eating for a week. He is in his solo tank. All parameters are in par. water has good air and water agitation. He does not eat pellets...