135 gallon black ghost knife fish.


MFK Member
Oct 25, 2022
Im currently looking into getting a larger lack ghost knife. He would go into my planted 135. Recently my buddy took all my community fish that were in there. What would be good tank mates for them?
I was thinking of maybe getting some rope fish and some big angles.. maybe some clown loaches? Any suggestions on tank mates? I know I can only have one which im ok with but how many other tank mates would I be able too go with? Thinking maybe a fire eel as well
Black ghost
Larger angels
Rope fish
Clown loaches.

Those are my thoughts Any input ide love :)
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Im currently looking into getting a larger lack ghost knife. He would go into my planted 135. Recently my buddy took all my community fish that were in there. What would be good tank mates for them?
I was thinking of maybe getting some rope fish and some big angles.. maybe some clown loaches? Any suggestions on tank mates? I know I can only have one which im ok with but how many other tank mates would I be able too go with? Thinking maybe a fire eel as well
Black ghost
Larger angels
Rope fish
Clown loaches.

Those are my
thoughts Any input ide love :)
I personally would do the large Angelfish.
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Yes, Altums are the largest angels. Just don't get true Altums unless you are very experienced; otherwise, you will waste a bunch of money on dead fish. Most "Altums" on the market aren't true, so that shouldn't be a problem. Personally, though, I would pass on the angels; I had an angel with a BGK, and it was constantly nipping at its fins (usually, it was at night, and occasionally, I saw this behavior during the day).

Instead, I would do either Electric Blue Acaras, Silver Dollars, or a larger Cory Catfish species (Brochis Corys are very fun. Or Sterbai; I never kept them, but they are beautiful nonetheless. If you like the look of the green color of brochis corys but not the size, go with Emerald Green Corys. I've had those, and they were great.), or Striped Raphael Catfish. I always reccomend Striped Raphs because they are just the hardiest catfish ever. Like seriously, ever lol. I have two of them in my tank now, and they cause no problems. One of my raphs has been with me from the beginning and has seen many tank mates, including a BGK (which, btw, they were best friends, always hanging out in the same spot together despite there being multiple hiding areas).

As for the others, Clown Loaches would be fine, and so would Ropefish. Personally, here are the setups I would consider for your tank:

Setup 1: 1 BGK, 10 Sterbai corys (or 10 Brochis or Emerald corys), and 5-6 Silver Dollars (I re-read your original post and you said you had a planted tank, so this might not work if you intend on keeping the tank planted).

Setup 2: 1 BGK, 6 Clown Loaches (make sure to take into account the full size of these loaches, not just their current store size), 4 EBAs

Setup 3: 1 BGK, 3 Ropefish, 5-6 Silver Dollars or 4-6 EBAs.

Setup 4: 1 BGK, 1 Bala Shark, 1 Striped Raph, and 4-6 Clown Loaches. (Make sure to do research on this one).

I hope this helps! Sorry this is kinda lengthy Lol.
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MFK Member
Oct 25, 2022
Yes, Altums are the largest angels. Just don't get true Altums unless you are very experienced; otherwise, you will waste a bunch of money on dead fish. Most "Altums" on the market aren't true, so that shouldn't be a problem. Personally, though, I would pass on the angels; I had an angel with a BGK, and it was constantly nipping at its fins (usually, it was at night, and occasionally, I saw this behavior during the day).

Instead, I would do either Electric Blue Acaras, Silver Dollars, or a larger Cory Catfish species (Brochis Corys are very fun. Or Sterbai; I never kept them, but they are beautiful nonetheless. If you like the look of the green color of brochis corys but not the size, go with Emerald Green Corys. I've had those, and they were great.), or Striped Raphael Catfish. I always reccomend Striped Raphs because they are just the hardiest catfish ever. Like seriously, ever lol. I have two of them in my tank now, and they cause no problems. One of my raphs has been with me from the beginning and has seen many tank mates, including a BGK (which, btw, they were best friends, always hanging out in the same spot together despite there being multiple hiding areas).

As for the others, Clown Loaches would be fine, and so would Ropefish. Personally, here are the setups I would consider for your tank:

Setup 1: 1 BGK, 10 Sterbai corys (or 10 Brochis or Emerald corys), and 5-6 Silver Dollars (I re-read your original post and you said you had a planted tank, so this might not work if you intend on keeping the tank planted).

Setup 2: 1 BGK, 6 Clown Loaches (make sure to take into account the full size of these loaches, not just their current store size), 4 EBAs

Setup 3: 1 BGK, 3 Ropefish, 5-6 Silver Dollars or 4-6 EBAs.

Setup 4: 1 BGK, 1 Bala Shark with 6 Clown Loaches. (Make sure to do research on this one).

I hope this helps! Sorry this is kinda lengthy Lol.
Omg what an awesome post! Thank you! answered literally every question I had! Looks like I got some decisions too make!


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Omg what an awesome post! Thank you! answered literally every question I had! Looks like I got some decisions too make!
One more thing: make sure you understock instead of overstock unless you have a LOT of filtration (even then, it's not a good idea); some of the options I mentioned are pushing it, so I wouldn't start with those, especially if this is a new tank. I would put fish in slowly until your tank is mature, and once it can handle the bioload, then continue to add the fish you choose slowly.
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MFK Member
Oct 25, 2022
Oh, one last thing: make sure you understock instead of overstock unless you have a LOT of filtration (even then, it's not a good idea); some of the options I mentioned are pushing it, so I wouldn't start with those, especially if this is a new tank. I would put fish in slowly until your tank is mature, and once it can handle the bioload, then continue to add the fish you choose slowly.
The tank actually has been up for about 5 years now, I have 2 fx6 running on it. It had small community fish but I gave them too my buddy too so it's been up for a long time. But of course I understand what your saying!


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
The tank actually has been up for about 5 years now, I have 2 fx6 running on it. It had small community fish but I gave them too my buddy too so it's been up for a long time. But of course I understand what your saying!
Ok, that's great! One last last thing lol: Make sure to take into account the full size of each fish. Don't just look at store babies and think, "Oh, I can easily have 20 of those clown loaches!" when in truth, those clown loaches get a foot long each (and get tall). Research is key, research, research, research. Good luck! Can't wait to see where your tank goes!
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