220G Update Thread


MFK Member
Jan 6, 2018
Canada eh
I believe they are Myleus Rubripinnis Luna. Seeing those photos I posted that seems incorrect but they are older photos and all three of them now display the orange and yellow blotches on their sides. That's just my guess, I don't know much about silver dollar identification or how many species there are but I will post some updated pictures when I get the chance. Is there a good resource for all the different silver dollar species just out of curiosity?
I’m not exactly sure what is the best resource for all of the silver dollar species are but I am interested in finding out more myself as well. I have really fallen in love with silver dollars over the last year or so. Currently I have m. Setiger aka rainbow pacu and tometes kranponha aka hairy pacu. Both are fairly uncommon in the hobby but I really enjoy them adding movement to the tank and cleaning up a lot of the refuse of the other fish. We all know how the bass can gorge themselves to the point of spitting up food 10-15 mins after their feeding- always good to have something that will eat that lol.


MFK Member
Jan 8, 2012
I’m not exactly sure what is the best resource for all of the silver dollar species are but I am interested in finding out more myself as well. I have really fallen in love with silver dollars over the last year or so. Currently I have m. Setiger aka rainbow pacu and tometes kranponha aka hairy pacu. Both are fairly uncommon in the hobby but I really enjoy them adding movement to the tank and cleaning up a lot of the refuse of the other fish. We all know how the bass can gorge themselves to the point of spitting up food 10-15 mins after their feeding- always good to have something that will eat that lol.
That's very true, they are garbage cans for any uneaten food! I'm still working on getting some more pics, I got some last night but it was after a water change and they weren't displaying their true colors. I'd love to get some more to add to my group but may wait until I upgrade to a larger tank.
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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 15, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
Beautiful tank and fish!
I love the light as currently is, for fish and nice ambiance. I would only update it if growing plants was desired, which I suspect it is not the case.
The silver dollars are certainly red-hooks, Myloplus rubripinnis (not asterias), and they look like one male and 2 females (from the 1st picture, which shows them somewhat far away). Gorgeous! (Would you post additional images, closer)?