355 gallon Freshwater filtration set up


Feeder Fish
Nov 24, 2020
I recently bought a 355 gallon tank and am planning a freshwater sump. This will be the biggest tank I've had by far (185 was previous tank). The tank is drilled but did not come with any filtration. Previously I had a 75 gallon sump on a 185 tank with two overflow boxes. Honestly I am pretty lost on how to set up filtration on this tank. I included pictures of the tank and was hoping for some recommendation on what to do as far as filtration. The planned substrate is sand. Oddball tank, motoro stingray, peacock bass, ripsaw cat, arowana Open to any and all ideas.



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Feeder Fish
Nov 24, 2020
I was thinking herbie, but I am thrown off by all the holes that are currently plugged in the bottom of the tank and what they were originally used for


MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
Hmm that hole configuration has me stumped. Looks like it was previously set up with a sump as well as some kind of closed loop.

I can only tell you what I would do, which would be an almost complete reconfiguration of the tank. I would plug all the holes on the bottom of the tank, and drill a few more holes on the back panel for a custom overflow setup. I prefer back or side panel drilling to maximize the space inside the tank.

I would drill 3 holes for 1.5" drains (2 main drains,, 1 emergency drain) arranged in the center of the back panel, possibly utilizing an internal coast to coast overflow box 30-36" long. I would utilize that one hole on the back with the strainer (looks to be a 1" bulkhead) for one return line, and drill another on the opposite side of corresponding size for another return line.

As far as sump size and configuration...very open ended. I prefer large, open, simple sumps for media storage, ease of access, and water volume. But you could go with an off-the-shelf wet-dry setup, custom made setup with baffled compartments, or even dual sumps if it worked to your advantage.

Imo, its not a question of what should you do, but what can't you do? The options are almost limitless for you at this time in my mind. Excited for you and anxious to see how you proceed.


MFK Member
Oh man this is gonna be fun.

If this were me:

120 gallon sump
I’d build it myself (just using a regular tank) with the first chamber all foam. i might not even bother with baffles. As long as the foam and bio media are as high as the water level there shouldn’t be a ton of bypass. I’d also make baskets out of “egg crate.”

you are gonna have so much room in that 120. As I’m sure you know from your 75 sump it’s just fill fill fill.

I gotta Run out now, but I’m real excited to see what you do....

oh and don’t skimp on the return pump. This builds looks like no joke. Def get a pump with a battery back up. whether it’s Ecotech or Ice Cap.
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