55 Gal tank help


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
For the pleco, go with bristlenose(4-5inch) as they are more active then a clown(2-3inch) and will get an inch or two bigger then the clown.

They also like hiding places so give them some kind of cave.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 16, 2010
Central Oklahoma
I was at Petsmart yesterday, and they had them "on sale" for $29.99.

Welcome to Fish keeping!

The good thing about the dropper bottles is that if you decide you want another tank (for quarantine, hospital or whatever) you already have more than adequate tests for that tank, and you won't have to rush out to buy more. Sometimes, I do multiple tests per day on my tanks, whenever they seem to be having a problem, and I do a lot of water changes.

Also, be careful with dropper bottle #1 of the ammonia test, it is straight up chlorine, and WILL bleach your clothes/anything it comes in contact with!

And a note about the nitrAte test. The instructions are very specific, and if you don't follow them to a "T" you will get a false negative reading. Here's a short overview:
Step 1) Add water to test tube.
Step 2) Add 10 drops from dropper bottle #1
Step 3) Cover top of test tube, and invert solution 3-4 times to incorporate the liquids together.

Step 4) Shake Bottle #2 vigorously for 30 seconds. (I use a kitchen timer.)
Step 5) Add 10 drops of Bottle #2 to the test tube. (Same, kitchen timer, or cell phone timer.)
Step 6) Shake contents of test tube including water+drops#1+drops#2 for 60 seconds.
Step 7) Wait 5 minutes, then read the results.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
May 5, 2010
Yeadon, Pennsylvania USA
You definitely want to go S.American or African. You know the African fish are probably some of the prettiest on the planet.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 8, 2010
Raleigh, NC
You can see my stocklist in my sig...its working fine in a 55, but keep in mind that I'm planning on upgrading to a 125 or so (whatever 5'x2'x2' or so is;)) in another year or so, but with a bit of tweaking it wouldn't be necessary.

I think I have a pretty interesting group of fish :)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 4, 2010
bagota nj
When i started my 55 gallon tank i cycled the tank with a few zebra danios, they tend to be harty fish when it comes to spikes while cycling. As far as the whole cycle process the best advice I can give is to let it run for at least a week fully set up, before introducing any life to the tank. I would also get to know someone who works in your local fish specialty store, it helps when you need to get items at a discount price.
1ft Arowana
11in Red Tail
10in Pleco


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 16, 2010
Central Oklahoma
ghostfacetattoo;4798215; said:
When i started my 55 gallon tank i cycled the tank with a few zebra danios, they tend to be harty fish when it comes to spikes while cycling. As far as the whole cycle process the best advice I can give is to let it run for at least a week fully set up, before introducing any life to the tank. I would also get to know someone who works in your local fish specialty store, it helps when you need to get items at a discount price.
1ft Arowana
11in Red Tail
10in Pleco
Being "this guy" is what you want to avoid. There are right ways and wrong ways to start a tank/hobby.