A few questions about the possibility of intrenal parasites.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 2, 2008
A few questions.
Firstly i have read the stickies in both the loach section and here, but i don't want to over react.
I have a school of 6 loaches. They are all very active and eat a lot.
1 of the loaches is showing less growth than the others and it has damaged fins. It was the smallest to start.
This is leading me to believe it may be getting bullied and not getting as much food as others, thus seems to be showing less growth.
When it does eat it get a full belly and it doesn't seem to be showing signs of "wasting". Is this common in a group of loaches?

All though the sticky on "skinny disease" in the loach section is excellent i lack the facilities to check what type of internal worms it may or may not have.
Is there a good med that will "cure all" as it were?
A med that will do no harm if i use it and they are not infected.

Finally, the loaches are in with an Arowana so i presume if one of them were to have parasites there is a high possibility they will pass to the Arowana.
Would the "cure all" internal parisite med work on my Arowana if it were to have contracted internal parasites?
I did isolate them for a week before i put them in with the Arowana but this was more for checking of external parasites or ich. I didn't think to dose them for internal while in iso and it would now be very difficult (but not impossible) to get them out of my big tank.
In addition if there are any parasites this would be pointless because all fish could be infected so I'm thinking i need to treat my whole tank as a preventative measure.
Thanks in advance for any advice.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 20, 2007
Green Bay
Is the poop stringy? If it is in fact an internal parasite you can use Jungles parasite clear fish food.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 2, 2008
The poop is hard to spot because of the number of loaches and gravel, but it just looks normal when it gets kicked up, bits and pieces but also pieces about the same size as a blood worm. As for the Arowana, it has taken to siting in the same place so it poops in the same place, this is more or a greyish slime that sits on top of the gravel than pellets of poop. But i have never seen its poop before so i am presuming this is normal. It was aslo like this before the introduction of the loaches.

Do you mean the fizzy tablets?