A few questions in advance


MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
Im being realistic Miles.

your theory is all based on what ifs,

what if he doesnt do water changes

what if he overfeeds

what if he overstocks his tank

what if he doesnt upgrade his tank in 18 months

well lets just say he is a responsible fish keeper and follows my list of what ifs

what if he does regular water changes

what if he doesnt overfeed

what if he doesnt overstock his tank

what if he upgrades in a yr or so to a 360 gallon

I talk from a reality standpoint and i speak based on my experience. the dude asked for help and he wants a ray. we can all tell him to buy a 50000 gallon tank but we know thats not realistic.

a 120 4 by 2 by 2 with good filtration and good fishkeeping practices will do that ray fabulously for a year - 18 months.

our opinions differ as we are different people I have read your posts since you first started posting on these forums when you were attempting to sell fish. lets just say we are different.

I should ask DEATHCURL to post some pics of his perfect water chemistry 125 gallon tank with crystal clear water and 4 or so of the healthiest leos you have ever seen. He lives in Brooklyn and a huge tank is not a reality but it didnt stop him from owning some beautiful rays because he is a responsible aquarist and kept the tanks immaculate.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 8, 2005
outside philly
i wish eric still had his leos....but his tank is very healthy


MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
hopefully he will post some pics and we can all see whats possible when you are a responsible aquarist and maintain top water quality. He had his rays for a long time and him selling them was in no way because of his tank etc he just grew bored and wanted to change it up a little.

Im not advocating stuffing rays in tiny tanks with horrible water but you have to be realistic here and realize people need a happy median not everyone can have a 400 gallon tank but they would still like to own a ray.


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
Not saying it can't be done.. never did. ?

My theory is based on 'what ifs'..? What if he is a responsible aquarist and maintains top water quality?
What if he keeps Pacu's in 75gs with pink gravel?

Go ahead bro.. Throw it in a 75. Good luck. :D Upgrade to a 120 in a few months..


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2007
South East Michigan
Miles;1334641; said:
What if he keeps Pacu's in 75gs with pink gravel?
Um...what's wrong with pink gravel? *points to avi* BTW, that's a red belly piranha, and he likes his pink gravel!!

Anyways, y'all mean what if SHE, right?

As far as tankmates, I've read how touchy tankmates are, and I won't be getting anything but another ray to keep with mine, and that's not until the proper sized tank is built/purchased.

I have months to get the tank situation sorted out, since I have to get all payed up on the money I had to borrow from my dad. Plus, I'll have to convince him to let me put that big honking tank into the living room, since I found out my office is 10x6. So, I'll probably end up going for broke and just getting the big tank from the get-go!! ^^

BUT, I am reliable on my waterchanges and tank cleaning (goldfish and piranhas will do that to you) as well as having ways of handling the expense that it will surely amount to. If my job is a problem, (which it's being right now) my fiance is more than happy to LEND me the amount I need until next payday, so there's no worries there.

I actually like doing my research this far in advance, because that gives me more than enough time to have the tank built right, and make sure it's waterproof, (if I can't do that, it'll be passed down to my hermit crabs)

But, I think I'll just solve that problem BEFORE it happens and start setting aside $20 a week until I can afford the tank I want ^^

What kind of filter is the best? I really like HOBs for the sound of the waterfall, and they aerate as well. So, if there's one of those that'll work, great!!