Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus died, ideas?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 16, 2010

I am a 15 year old high school student. I have been in the hobby for about 4 years. My experience ranges from African Cichlids (specifically Lake Malawi Africans), to striped bass, to Sturgeon.

I got an Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) as part of a program with the DNR. They gave me a 12 inch sturgeon, and said they would provide all the necessary equipment. Apparently they thought a 12 inch fish can fit in a 20g L, because that's what they gave me. I put him in my 150g with my Eheim Pro II 2021 on it (I thinks it's a 2021, that or 2028 I forget).

I had him in school, and the school was being locked down for break, there was no way I could get in. They provided an automatic feeder too, which I didn't even look at until the last day before break. It turns out my teacher had someone else try to set up the automatic feeder, and they lost the manual, so I tried to set it and could only manage to get it to feed 4 times a day. And on top of that, on the lowest setting it was feeding 15-25 pellets.... way too much for a single juvenile sturgeon 4 times a day.

So I decided to let him fast for the 2 weeks. I got back and he was doing fine. Before hand I told me teacher I would feed him when I got back, I didn't want him overfed. I was thinking I would only do 1 pellet the first day back. I got to school and she had already given him 6 pellets she said, but it was probably more like 12. The next day I walked in, she had decided to feed him again, there were about 10 pellets uneaten in the tank, she said he wouldn't eat, and 2 days later he was dead.

I figure that from the fast his digestive tract was not in gear, so when fed the 6 (what was probably actually around 12) pellets the first day, then the 10+ the second it caused an intestinal blockage, leading to his death.

What do you think?


Nov 5, 2008
I think i would have contacted the school corporation somehow before i let a beautiful fish like that starve to death.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 16, 2010
It's not a school corporation, it's a public county school. There was nothing I could do. I was counting on the automatic feeder. No janitors, no cleaners, nobody allowed in, period. I couldn't take him out of school either.


MFK Member
Jun 27, 2006
Mobile, Alabama, United States
You did the best you could under the circumstances.

Auto-feeders are tricky at best, fasting the sturgeon for 2 weeks was probably the best decision.

In my opinion the only place you screwed up was to not be assertive enough about the feeding schedule for the fish. The fish was in your care so in the end you are responsible for its untimely demise. Just remember what happened and learn from it, and don't be to hard on yourself. If you stay in the fish keeping hobby long enough you will loose fish, period. It is a reality of the hobby.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 16, 2010
No, I'm plenty assertive about it. I'm not mean, but I repeat myself a lot, and make sure she knows the fish's life depends on it. I suppose she just doesn't remember.

That state screwed so many people over. They gave several schools a sturgeon, all the same size as ours, and identical equipment. I doubt many people had a 150gallon tank lying around haha. It was kind of lucky I already had it in school from the Striped Bass I had.

So you think it was an intestinal blockage?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 16, 2010
Well I figure in his already weakened state it could have put him over the edge.

Nothing abnormal on the tests. I put some conditioner in before i left to be sure at least no ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate built up. With 1 fish in a 150 gallons of water a cycle is pretty hard to maintain.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 2, 2006
Atlantic sturgeon are a species of concern, and may be listed in the near future as endangered. I'm curious about this program between Maryland DNR and schools. Where did the DNR obtain the sturgeon? Surely they must realize a fish that can grow to 8+ feet has no place in tiny aquariums.

As for what killed the sturgeon, could have been the pellets. Had the sturgeon been eating pellets before? Was the body bloated?
What is the tank temperature?