Are pure Rays a thing of the past?


MFK Member
Apr 26, 2012
Hummelstown, Pennsylvania
There will always be pure breed. Fades come and go but the pure breeds always last in the hobby.
Hmmm I hope pure bloods hold their place in the hobby. I would hate to have the hobby get to the point where everyone is like "oh this is my leoxbdxhenxmarblextiger and this is my reticxmarblexpearlxmotoroxhen and they made these leoxbdxhenxmarblextigerxreticxmarblexpearlxmotoroxhen pups!" Then in my opinion the hobby would be so diluted that pure bloods aren't even a thought in people's minds. As far as I know some of the top selling rays are hybrids aren't they? I mean of course bds can bring big money but aren't some hybrids bringing even bigger money? I feel like money talks for a lot of people and this lure of riches will draw some keepers to try to breed for those hybrids. Maybe I'm wrong but in life money talks.

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MFK Member
Sep 4, 2011
Coquitlam BC
Calgaryflames breeds pure bred snow leopard rays and I think they are some of the nicest looking rays out there! I do like some hybrids but you just never know what there going to look like when there all grown up.


MFK Member
Oct 21, 2014
Kings Mills, Ohio
Thats what i meant...i am about half way through the build of a new 420 gallon tank...intended to keep my first ray...from a guy just getting into rays after years in the hobby just seems so different than everything else...the more you hyberdize the stronger the colors and patterns...wild caught is less desirable....the prices are all over the place....although there is no doubt my next fish will be a ray...where what how much...its all a little reminds me of my father and his hyberdization hobby with day lillies...people pay 1000's for one plant some times....if anyone ever produces a blue one...they would be a millionaire..i just want to enjoy one of the most captivating fish i have ever seen and hopefully not get caught up in the hoopla...

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Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
I think the term mutt is a bit of a insult

As all pedigree dogs are mutts and it has taken years of selective breeding to get the types of dogs we call pure bloods

Pure blood rays will always be around but the prices are crashing bd was the last to be hit by the price crash but the prices for them is crashing now

For me pure bloods are getting a bit boring now once you have seen one nice bd p14 or Henlei you have seen them all give or take a few spots

Some of the hybrids coming out of Asia now make all pure bloods look a bit average
Asia have a good few years head start on breeding hybrids as they saw the potential before the rest of the world

The funny thing is most people who buy a hybrid are disappointed if they don't turn out black and white but it's a risk worth taking as even if they don't turn black and white if you then breed that hybrid with a pure blood black Ray you stand a much better chance of getting black and white pups

Pure blood Rays will always have a place and the cheaper price now will keep people interested

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 26, 2014
Royersford, pa
I have to agree with MEDHBSI, the beauty of hybrids is the mystery and possibilities of how their patterns will turn out, and let's not forget that size is another roll of the dice with them. I currently have 2 WC Marbles, which I am assuming have not had anything bred into them, and 3 CB hybrids. Like many of you, I think Marbles are the best ray out there when it comes their pattern and their abundance of unique styles. I will always keep them, but as a Marbles' pattern tends to melt together with age, hybrids don't really develop their true colors until they get closer to their full size and that should add a certain X-factor to lots of people in the hobby. I think this is why you see their availability starting to increase dramatically. We have all seen the pictures of some of the amazing hybrids on here and who wouldn't want to roll the dice every once in a while to see what pattern is waiting behind door #1. I just picked up 2-Marble/Rectic pups from Mark (Rayguy84) ,from what everyone on here has said, they are the first of their kind, and right now the have more of a Mantilla/Rectic look to them. But Mark and I both agree that when the Marbling develops into their existing pattern, they will be some very fine and rare hybrids. I am sure their are some duds out there, as their is with everything, but that is a chance I am willing to take to have a ray that is a one of a kind specimen that won't kill me financially.

these are the 2 Marble/Rectic hybrids I just got!







MFK Member
Jun 8, 2007
I think the term mutt is a bit of a insult

As all pedigree dogs are mutts and it has taken years of selective breeding to get the types of dogs we call pure bloods

Pure blood rays will always be around but the prices are crashing bd was the last to be hit by the price crash but the prices for them is crashing now

For me pure bloods are getting a bit boring now once you have seen one nice bd p14 or Henlei you have seen them all give or take a few spots

Some of the hybrids coming out of Asia now make all pure bloods look a bit average
Asia have a good few years head start on breeding hybrids as they saw the potential before the rest of the world

The funny thing is most people who buy a hybrid are disappointed if they don't turn out black and white but it's a risk worth taking as even if they don't turn black and white if you then breed that hybrid with a pure blood black Ray you stand a much better chance of getting black and white pups

Pure blood Rays will always have a place and the cheaper price now will keep people interested

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Here is my take on the topic.

Agree with you totally Richard. You seen one pure ray you have seen them all give or take a few spots(big or small),eclipses or thousand islands. :D Prices are coming down on black diamonds and other pure rays to the contrary of what some members here don't want to believe and try to argue the point. Like Richard said the pure rays will always be around but the prices are all coming down. This makes it easier for people to get into rays so everyone can enjoy them .

The rare hard to get rays are still commanding higher prices but that won't last for long as we all seen with other fish that "Rare" doesn't stay rare for long especially with breed-able fish like rays and when the people with rare rays are breeding them or sending them to Asia for them to monopolize the market they won't stay rare for long. Xingu is a prime example....They are now in the Asia market and pictures of them are popping up on their facebook pages.

Hybrids are one of a kind and you never see the same one twice and it's fun to watch what they turn into. It's fun to try out the different combos especially when you already have a group of rays that crosses with all your existing rays! Puts some fun back into the hobby when you have been in it for a long time.

Wild caught...There is still a need for them but just not as much as before(Which is good). They help to keep from inbreeding but if you select your stock right and don't breed your brother to sister pups or raise your pups to breed with their parents then you will be okay.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 2, 2008
The problem in the US is there are not many people bringing in pure wild rays these days. The hobbyist who gets into rays may start with pure marbles but then gets a leo or something else and before you know it you have 2 plus species in one tank. Then whoops you produced a hybrid. I think deep down inside most want to be the first to make the next big thing like in the dog world with the CockaPoos and the labradoodles. No idea how to spell those :)


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Feb 1, 2010
My thoughts towards this is I prefer pure blood, I know what I'm getting and that's what I want given the cost.

I think the two markets will play against each other, now pure drops and hybrid will rise, in years to come the pure will be rare as less breeding of it due to hobbyist keeping a mixed bag and the price will go up again.

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MFK Member
Dec 9, 2013
Seems so many people like the crazy patterns so the push for the "basic" has faded. Still many of us that like pure. Breeders tend to favor the market and market screams hybrids.

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