Back From Vacation- Almost All Fish Dead!!


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
Long story short, I upgraded from a 29 gallon to a 75 gallon. I had a Green Terror and a FeatherFin catfish that I had for over 1 year before upgrading the tank (reason for the upgrade) with absolutely zero issues. Once I upgraded, everything was great. I did throw a lot of variables into this right away though and am trying to figure out what happened.

I added 5 Giant Danios, 3 Firemouths, and a Blue Acara. I also had Dempsey for a few days but he was too much larger than everyone and causing problems so took him back. On top of this, I tried a Fluval FX4 instead of dual AC 110's and then decided I did not like that as much and switched back to the 110's.

So there were new fish introduced, a couple filter changes (always using my old media, never lost cycle) a couple large 50-60% water changes, etc. So I very well could have not been paying attention the night before we left when I switched the filters back and only used half the amount of Prime that I should have.

I left on Wednesday and a buddy stopped by Friday and said all fish looked great. Came home Sunday and the catfish, the GT, the Acara, and 1 FM all dead. This morning, the other Firemouth was about 90% dead and one of the Danios were dead. I immediately checked water parameters and got 0, 0, and 5-10 nitrates water was perfect.

No visible signs really on the fish, except maybe a couple that were struggling looked like their slime coat was a little funny? Hard to say.

What's odd, is the fish that are left now: 4 Giant Danios and 1 Firemouth are all completely healthy, active, eating, etc. etc.

I did a large 90% water change this AM and wiped the inside of the tank down and vacuumed the bottom (which was already clean).

I ordered this Ick medicine just to be safe, but I really not know if that was it. I wonder if I messed up my Prime like I said above and it got some of them? Or maybe if my buddy over-fed them?

I did notice that some of the fish that were affected were vey twitchy and spastic while still alive this AM.

Sucks to lose those 2 fish after growing them for a year and of course the new ones as well. I'm just at a loss as to what happened.



Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
That's a bummer, sorry for your lost fish.

At the best of times this hobby requires your undivided attention. You had so many changes and variables going on in such a short time frame, and instead of being extra vigilant at this crucial went on vacation!

I take it the vacation was planned in advance? I wouldn't have played around with the set up at all until I'd returned from vacation.


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
I agree.....was possibly a little spoiled too in that with my old setup it literally ran itself. The new tank was stable enough though that I wasn't even worried about it. Maybe my buddy over-fed does that kill them though? Or maybe he had something on his hand.....I'm not sure. Super odd.

Just seeing if anyone had any ideas?
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Canister Man
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Aug 17, 2005
So sorry to hear. Hard to tell what it was, and all of us have gotten carried away with making too many changes before - it’s sometimes the downside of our enthusiasm for our hobby.

Don’t beat yourself up. Get up, dust off, and simply let the tank stabilize again before you take your next step. Give it a few weeks at least.

Good luck!


POTM Curator
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Aug 31, 2020
I’m going to have to agree with the others and say that there were just so many variables at once it became a powder keg. Potentially, so many fish were added that the cycle couldn’t keep up and everything crashed.
Equipment malfunction is always possible, and so is low oxygen.
I’ve seen low o2 completely wipe one of my tanks but leave a few completely unaffected.
When ich starts killing, you will almost always see the spots so I don’t think that was it (also, no need to pay for ich meds in fw, salt does the trick just fine).
As for prime, you’d have to have really bad source water for there to be enough chlorine to kill everything imo.


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
Yeah I agree, maybe jut too much at once or something found its way into the tank.....

I don't think it was low oxygen, I have 2 AC 110's going which should be more than enough but on top of that I always have a bubbler or sponge filter going as well in case something happens with the filters.


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Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Lots of variables. Not enough info

1) you went from filtration that was cycled to accommodate 2 fish, to 11 almost overnight?
2) Then you cleaned filters and substrate, and tank sides, possibly removing a good portion of beneficial bacteria from the tank, (over cleaning?)

Did you QT the new fish?
3) If not, they may have been infected with (but imune to, just or carriers of), something your original fish had no resistance to,
but in time beside overwhelming the old fish, could then become enough to overwhelm even resistant fish.
Probably could be many more variables, than those that have been already mentioned, and those that haven't.

Was there a power outage while you were gone?
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MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
Lots of variables. Not enough info

1) you went from filtration that was cycled to accommodate 2 fish, to 11 almost overnight?

Did you QT the new fish?
If not, they may have been infected with (but imune to, or carriers of), something your original fish had no resistance to, but in time beside overwhelming the old fish, but then become enough to overwhelm even resistant fish.

Was there a power outage while you were gone?
1. It was over the course of a couple of weeks, plus all of the new fish were pretty small. But yes, I see your point. But tank was stable and water was crystal clear....parameters perfect.

2. I did not QT the new fish....but they did come from a LFS that is trusted and not a Big Box.

3. No power-outtage. Even if there is basement temp is 72 and tank kept at 78 with sponge fitler on battery backup.

I'm thinking it has to be something I did or something that snuck in there when I was changing filters from the FX4 to the two AC 110's.

Watching the tank now and everyone left seems 100% OK.
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