Black shark - Labeo chrysophekadion - 1 for 3; ~10" presently


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I got a trio of 1.5" black sharkminnow, aka the black shark or black labeo, around 2 years ago. IIRC, ~$5 each or maybe even less.

They were growing up in a tank with all the jerks as they turned out, as expected, to be jerks to nice tank mates. From early on, it was obvious that their rate of growth differs. In about a year, one was 7", one was 5", and one was 3.5". The order of asserted and enforced dominance was the same, needless to say.

The smallest one disappeared one day, after half a year in the tank. In retrospect, it was a mistake to keep it housed too long with the Asian USD catfish Mystus leucophasus. The catfish outgrew the smallest shark and probably ate it one day.

In about another half a year, the biggest shark suffered a sudden and unexpected death. Perhaps not so unexpected, seeing how everyone in that tank challenged each other on regular basis, but still this shark was near the top of the pecking order and almost never bore any physical signs of power struggle.

Anyhow, having been left with one shark of the three, the medium grower, I rehomed it into a different 240 gal at about 6", worrying that I would lose it too in the original tank.

Here it is presently. Roughly 10". Chases some other fish in its tank but seems random and not overly vicious. The chasing has been largely inconsequential. Of course it claims the best and convenient spot in the tank, where it enjoys some protection but still keeps an eye on the whole tank. Likes its catfish farm pellets and appears to chew on cut bait fish sometimes.

The video is an overall tank update and not edited just for the black shark presence. Sorry. No time. I apologize in advance for the "filler".



Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Very nice black shark. I’ve been fairly lucky with mine, she’s not massively aggressive, and tends to leave most stuff alone. Only really chasing the other labeo’s and bangana.
Thanks! I remember your thread on your 2' champion and its interaction with your purple Labeo. To date, the biggest captive black shark I am aware of.


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
One+ years later.

The black shark is now ~4 years old and is around 15"-16" tip to tip. The shark has gone through several 240 gal tanks before landing in this one. Perhaps it is more on the temperate side. I see it give some fish a chase every now and then but not all, only certain, and not often that rehoming would be warranted.

As the last video update, the video is an overall tank update and not edited just for the black shark presence. Sorry. No time. I apologize in advance for the "filler".

Last edited:


MFK Member
Nov 9, 2005
Basingstoke, UK
Great update, coming along nicely

Nearly lost mine this year, the bangana nearly got the better of her. Had to isolate her for three months so she could heal/recover. Needless to say the bangana was moved on. As much as I loved the bangana, having had the black shark 24+ years, no fish could endanger her place in the tank.