Bull Sharks.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 19, 2010
Florida, USA
OO OO do sharks have personality or are they just kinda... mindless, lol. Btw the list of what bull sharks are like was kind of a joke.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 19, 2010
Florida, USA
Sorry that I'm asking so many questions I'm just very curious. If I did ever build a 150k gallon aquarium and it was in a rectangular shape what do you thin the dimensions would be. I was going to measure in out in my yard and get an idea of just how HUGE it will be.

If I want to be a Marine Biologist what are somethings I can do in High School to help me with that?


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
Sharks, like almost any other intelligent animal, def have "personality" to them. Once you are around them enough, you'll see different aspects of that show.

As for a big shark tank dream.... think BROAD footprint. It doensn't have to be much more than 6-8' deep. Then go from there. We just wrapped up a stingray display that is 40'x20' but only 2' deep. It works out very well.


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
Raetak;4168225; said:
Aren't they responsible for the majority or shark attacks? I know JAWS was based of a series are shark attack that happened in in New Jersey, a bunch of the attacks where in fresh water so that's why it's thought that the attacks were by a Bull Shark/s. Also they are much easier to come across than sharks like Great Whites and Tigers. Aren't bulls known to attack in as little as 3 feet of water? I'll admit that I am terrified of Bull Sharks, but if there is something I want to do in my life it's keep a Bull Shark in a crystal clear lagoon or aquarium. Such a cool idea.

Any way, basically Bull Sharks are the big, man eating, blood thirsty, nasty and aggressive?

Sorry, I skipped some of these questions.

Bulls do account for more bites than any other speices, but it's more a statistical thing. They are found all over instead of specific locations, and are one of the few big sharks that will come right up to shore - where the people are. Just to put it in perspective for you, more people die from A/C units falling out of windows, choking on ball point pens and being burried in sand by family/friends at the beach than from shark attacks each year.

Bulls due have a higher level of testosterone than other sharks. Studies are being done right now to look into why. This Summer I'm hoping to ad a captive control group for this. I believe it's the reason for a lot of the 'aggresion' they are known for. Aside from that, they are just strong sharks....similar to white and tiger when looking at muscle mass per body size. A lot of sharks are long and thin compared to the thick body of a bull.

As for attacking in 3' feet of water: I can now say I've seen them hunt in even less. About a month ago, I watched a 9' + bull push a school of rays up almost out of the water onto a beach in FL. It's body was well over half way out of the water, rolling on the sand biting at them as they flopped around. I have never seen nor heard of that ability/behavior in a shark before, and wouldn't have believe it if someone told me.

I'm not worried about diving with bulls more than any other big sharks. They display the same warning signs as the rest when it comes to feeding/aggressive behavior. Knowing what you're doing, and being alert are the keys to shark diving.

As for doing this as a job, take as many advanced science classes as possible. The other thing I always suggest is getting hands on experience. Avoid pet stores. They'll mess you up. This is on a level that changes a lot of the 'rules' in the fish hobby. Where in FL are you living?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2009
Bay Area
Zoodiver;4168940; said:
more people die from A/C units falling out of windows, choking on ball point pens and being burried in sand by family/friends at the beach than from shark attacks each year.
I gotta lay off my pen chewing/mock burial at the beach habit... Sounds dangerous.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 19, 2010
Florida, USA
I live in Myakka City, do you know where Lakewood Ranch is or Bradenton? I'm about 20 minutes east of Lakewood. So what do you mean by hands on experience? I just remember an idea that I turned down, about working as an intern at Mote Marine aquarium. I turned it down cause I decided that I was to busy this summer, which I am really. Next summer though I think I'll do it cause I'll be able to drive myself there. Is working as an intern count as hands on? :D


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
Working at Mote would be a great start. The FL Aquarium would be fairly close to you as well. I'll be up there this weekend. Anything you can do intership-wise or the like to get hands on / real work time working in an aquarium setting will be a great step in the right direction.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 19, 2010
Florida, USA
Alright. I really think that I want to do the internship but the one problem is that I love working at a Boy Scout Summer Camp program, but I think that if I want to ever get Bulls then I should do the internship. Internship wins. lol I'm headed into town tomorrow I think I'll be going to Mote as well I'll talk to some of the people there about questions I have. I've never been to the Florida Aquarium before, I'll look into it.