Can anyone who has had experience with Gymnothorax tile give me some pointers?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 18, 2006
I bought a Gymnothorax tile a little over a month ago and for the most part he stayed hidden and only out when the lights were out he would flee back to hiding when the lights came on. I have had others that acted a certain way before passing on. This one is exhibiting similar behavior but the red scat does not bother him like it did with the others that passed soon after acting this way (the way fish attack other fish when sick) which seems to indicate he is not in immediate poor health. I hope I am over reacting to what maybe normal but seemingly long acclimating period. He also does not swim to the top to poke his head out of the water which is probably another good sign.

Can you tell from normal breathing from heavy breathing that should raise concern? The main concern is his lack of trying to hide like he does not care anymore. I have not actually seen him eat but do not know how long they can survive with out eating. He maybe just out looking for food but has paid no attention to the guppies swimming near him or just decided to make his somewhat new home finally home and swimming out after accepting the change from one location to another.

I was considering trying to get some bull minnows from a bait shop to see if he would eat them. I also have a toad fish that bull minnows would probably be better and more substantial than guppies and ghost shrimp. Can anyone suggest some other types of live food I may try for the G tile?








Ole Dawg
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2006
Very much south..
in what salinity do you have it? There are moronic LFS's that seel them as FW moray eels...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 18, 2006
I took my water sample to have it checked and all that showed up was that something was high but not considered toxic unless exposed for long periods of time. I had t put on a new filter so this could have caused this to happen but it would not account for the behavior. Most likely the big guy was just hungry. I put some ghost shrimp in so now he is breathing fine but still staying out a lot but now he will try and hide if lights are turned on. I am using 3tbl spoons of salt p/gal. I forget what they said of my salinity but it was fine for brackish.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 17, 2007
Are you using aquarium salt or marine salt? (sorry, just had to ask.)

My daughter has 3 g.tiles and she keeps the salinity at (I think she said) .0010, and hers are doing great. They also like to squeeze altogether in the same cave, they seem to like a tight fit. If you can imagine three g.tiles between 16 and 18 inches long in the same piece of 3 inch PVC, they almost look like sardines in a can.

Oh, and she feeds hers thawed silver sides and raw shrimp. Hers won't eat guppies and will only eat ghost shrimp as a last resort. Although they've been known to eat a knight gobie or two.

DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
The kind of salt makes a HUGE difference. Normal aquarium salt (like the blue milk carton API stuff) does not make brackish water. Actaul sea salt mix makes brackish.

What kind of filters are on the tank?

I know when I ran Whispers whenever you changed the bag you basically started over the beneficial bacteria colony, elevated Nitrite and Amonia followed.

Sounds like something is wrong if you have had previous ones pass. They are very hardy animals if you are familiar with them.

I have never kept one that refused market shrimp.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 18, 2006
He seems to be doing very well now. I think the combination of having to replace the filter as it cracked on me changed the water conditions. I am using an aqua clear with the ammonia remover and with everything being new and him being hungry at the same time. It appears he is eating something even though I have never seen him actually eat.