DAT's Sex - Is it MALE or FEMALE?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 22, 2008
- is it banana gold color (male), copper red / brown color (female)

This is intressting , Becasue ive got 3 NGTS 2 of them got Banana gold color while one of them , is alot more Brown / copper color ? Could it be that ive got 1 female and 1 male ? it would make sense kinda tho becasue the "female" is the most aggresive one and it doesnt change color very often but stays this way mostly while the others looks kinda pale sometimes .

Laosy Fish

MFK Member
Dec 15, 2008
Mental City, IL
guys please keep in mind that he's in a different country. so please open your eyes a little and see how diff it can be in other countries....with that said..

I'm gonna run this by my uncles who have the best dat collection in the midwest which for some reason they don't like to show pics of or gloat about...hmmm i wonder why???

anywho, if i recall their "Dats" have bred once before. it was about 8 years ago. right now the dats are pushing the 18" mark. back then I'm not sure how big they were. but what I do know is he has had that batch for over 20yrs. I'm using cupid peeing statue as a refernce here when i'm looking into the pond for size. I'm not sure if they were mature 8 years ago.

He currently has them in a a 15' x 15' x 5' deep. with 3 other cascading waterfall ponds as filtration. he tells me in order to get the best color and size is to mimic the natural environment as possible. but that goes with any fish. he has never fed them dry or dead food. always live food which he raise in the other ponds.

he says breeding them is the hardest out of any fish he has rasied. keep in mind he's 60yrs old. he also has had many generations of CT's. i belive this is his 3gen batch. and out of the 3 i believe only one has bred. I will ask him again and see if he will joing as a mfker and chime in. he's not much for technology pictures. he's old school. what can I say? fish sauce and soy sauce in every meal...lol
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Laosy Fish

MFK Member
Dec 15, 2008
Mental City, IL
BTW...not to derail but he said it is almost impossible to tell the diff in sex. they are like arows....you have to throw a bunch of them in a huge pond with their natural environment and hope for the best....

his tip...the more room for fish the more room for play. add in numbers to raise your odds of females and males for a better odd of breeding...


Feeder Fish
Mar 24, 2020
i have heard and seen and have been asked alot by many people about theirs sexes and the way to distinguish them, even in Thailand i get asked by some keepers.

before even needing to see the fish, there is two questions to screen the basics of a male to a female; which gives around an 80% correct answer:

- is it banana gold color (male), copper red / brown color (female)

- is the body long (male) in shape or squarish (female) looking shape?

* these are the two most easy ways to distinguish them, however there are obstacles that create confusion and quarrel; such as mine is banana yellow and square looking, or its long and its copper! etc etc.

so in order to be able to distinguish them using this simple method, you have to understand how you are keeping your fish.

1- these fish's original food is live fishes, such as bettas, baby snakeheads, small frogs, crickets, small breams, etc in the wild. so feeding them or changing their food diet to dead things, prawns, or dog food looking pellets will distort their body shape. ( i never feed my fishes these things as i believe it shortens their life span and they don't need to exercise to get their food but of course your feed is more expsensive than me having to net around some ponds and find plenty of small fishes)
i have a friend who used prawns before on a CT i gave him, which was a 16 inch male, i never fed it other than live ghost shrimp and fish but after two months feeding it prawn (took a week of starving to change its habits) i got so fat it looked like a female. and this also happened to other of my friends CT's as well.
so the feed can disorientate is body shape so only its natural diet will determine its true sex.

2- so with food out of the way, its true sex can be determined with the environment it lives in.

assume you have five CT's of exactly 12inch together, with one or two females and the other males, their femaleness will stand by tending to be more agressive towards the males but more neutral towards the same sex, unless there is a size difference.

a cor das fêmeas tende a flutuar mais do que os machos, você pode ver isso quando estão assustadas ou tentando mostrar agressividade para proteger a si mesmas ou a seus filhotes, elas erguem a nadadeira superior e as escamas erguem um pouco, criando um a cor metálica semi cinza e as brânquias se estendem um pouco (semelhante ao betta siamês de combate, mas nem de longe o suficiente). somente as fêmeas fariam isso, o que se supõe ser usado para proteger seus filhotes. enquanto eu não vi homens com esse comportamento antes.

então espero que isso tenha sido útil para todos vocês e, como afirmado anteriormente, os machos tendem a ter a cor da banana, mas nas minhas experiências anteriores, mantive uma grande quantidade de tamanhos grandes em uma lagoa de concreto, e havia bastante alguns garotos gordos por perto, mesmo quando a dieta é onde cardumes inteiros de tainha pequena de água doce.

boa sorte e espero que tenha sido útil.
Amigo, muito obrigado. Foi a melhor definição do sexo dos dats que eu já vi! Levarei sempre o seu conhecimento comigo.