Ebola round 2

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Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
The analogy doesn't seem to be a terribly good one though. I think a better one would be for someone to insist on not having brakes on their vehicle. It is a matter of public safety, not personal choice.
Hello; I believe you changed the parameters. The question I was discussing had to do with "taking away your freedom".

Public safety is a broad umbrella that can be used to push an agenda. Not long ago in this thread I and a few others wanted to have people traveling from the "hot Ebola zones" to be quarantined (strict isolation) for 21 days because we thought it was a potential matter of public health. I contend such quarantine would surely have taken away those people's freedom to move about. Even tho those health care workers knew what they were getting into when they went to treat Ebola in Africa, they did not wish to be inconvienced when they finished their tour and came back to the USA. Those against such quarantine got their way and the wished for quarantine period was not enforced.

That a vaccine for measles is available for those who wish to have it is a good thing. All of you who are vaccinated for measles a very less likely to become infected. Turns out the vaccines are not 100% effective and a few people cannot take the vaccine for a few reasons.

Let’s see if I understand your point. You are on the side that wants all people to be vaccinated for measles, in this case, even if it is against their will. The overriding consideration is the general welfare and that is supposed to be more important than a person’s freedom to choose for him or herself. Majority wants a forced vaccine, so majority rules sort of view?? This does not fit with my take on the type of individual liberty we are supposed to have.


MFK Member
Aug 20, 2009
Eugene, Or
I didn't read the link. Isn't the legislation that unvaccinated children wouldn't be allowed to attend public schools. You're not exactly taking away their freedom if that's the case. You have other alternatives for education. Same as you have other alternatives for transportation if you choose not to get a license, insurance, etc etc

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Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Well neither does quarantine nor the draft nor jury duty, so... ?
Hello; Your statement is not clear to me. I will suppose it is a response to my saying "This does not fit with my take on the type of individual liberty we are supposed to have." While I would not enjoy an enforced quarantine, it would not be permanent. After the 21 days (for Ebola and Measeles) I can go about my businees with no lasting harm done. The same for jury duty. After it is over my life can go on as before.

The draft was a different thing. I faced the draft in 1972. Being drafted could lead to being harmed or to having to do harm to others against your will or personal beliefs. There is a reason there is no longer an active draft in place.

Should I be forced to take a vaccine, that then becomes a permanent factor of my life. There is also the small but real chance of a bad outcome from a vaccine. Every medical proceedure has some level of risk. Risk from the medicine or from a procedure itself such as secondary infection. Take a vaccine your self and force it on your own children, but do not force it on me if I do not wish it.

The news has reported that a non-vaccinated child is is a forced quarantine right now. That parent is living with a personal choice.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Well don't force yourself onto the rest of the public! Easy peasy. :)
Hello; So, if I were potentially exposed to the measles virus and had not been vaccinated (I had the measles as a child so this is not a case for Me.) then I should withdraw from contact with other people for the 21 days? That way I will either show symptoms or prove to not be infected. Is this not the same thing we are asking for with regard to the health care workers coming from the Ebola zones? While there is a vaccine for measles and it is not as serious an infection as Ebola, there is not yet a proven vaccine for Ebola.

Back to the measles. There is a vaccine for measeals. Very nearly all of the rest of the population can have that inoculation and be protected. A non vaccinated person can get the illness but is extremely unlikely to pass it on to the vaccinated. Aside from a small population, the people who can get the measles are the others who have decided to not be vaccinated. Am I wrong about this?


MFK Member
Aug 20, 2009
Eugene, Or
You can pass it on to children that are too young to get the vaccination or those whose immune system have been weaken by other illness. 3% of vaccinated adults also won't develop immunity.

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Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
You can pass it on to children that are too young to get the vaccination or those whose immune system have been weaken by other illness. 3% of vaccinated adults also won't develop immunity.

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Hello; Thanks. This is what I have been hearing the last few days. I did not know the 3% number about adults not developing immunity.
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