Fish Doctors of MFK


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2014
I'll take a hawaiin punch with my knuckle sammich. LOL

here is something I do and have done for fungus mainly skin fungus. 1:100 iodine bath in RO water with a clean 1:100 bleached tub rinsed in RO water until negative for chlorine.
both fish and reptiles.
turtles with sealed shut eyes 1 cc daily IM in between the shell and rear leg, after 2 days peel the eyes open with mineral spirits diluted in RO water and continue to feed then like normal.

So alot of times NO I don't give advice most people don't have endless supplies of RO water. low dose syringes and other medical grade stuff that is not OTC.

1st thing to curing anything is STERILE ENVIRONMENT!

I posted this a wile ago. it's the RO room where I work.

Notice one reply, that's fine by me. I really like knowing what I know about water.
Again most people have to buy their RO water. so using 300 gallons to rinse things out is NOT in the budget.
Nor are the medical grade test strips I use to measure all the water parameters.

Fo the public and hobby guy the liquid API kits are better then the OTC test strips.
The strips I use are used to ensure human life.
So lamb baste me away..... alot of the tx I do is out of reach of the common fish owner.
Don't get me wrong I use OTC fish products 90% of the time. But there are times where I just go all chemical/guerrilla warfare when OTC doesn't work.

I don't feel it would be right to post those methods in a public forum where the public doesn't have access to the equipment used.


I'm not a docktor, I have no patience ( PUN intended LOL)
OH and one more I know how to make a hormone! DON'T PAY HER!


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Just for the record, I don't have any bitterness towards idiots, and over the years I have assisted plenty of members here in regards to the illness, health & nutrition of their fish. (which I believe go hand in hand)

I was simply posting my opinion, and whether you personally agree with that opinion or not, doesn't mean that it isn't a valid opinion. And I didn't put everyone in the same category.

jason longboard

MFK Member
Apr 12, 2007
Just for the record, I don't have any bitterness towards idiots, and over the years I have assisted plenty of members here in regards to the illness, health & nutrition of their fish. (which I believe go hand in hand)

I was simply posting my opinion, and whether you personally agree with that opinion or not, doesn't mean that it isn't a valid opinion. And I didn't put everyone in the same category.
Sorry I got a little salty. I didn't agree totally but did not mean to make your opinion not sound valid. I if anything may just be trying to sway your opinion. Thanks for the help you have provided in the past and any in the future.

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