
Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 7, 2007
Denver Colo
1. Michael
2. 15yrs
3. First time
4. 1
5. Xingu 1
6. Blood worm, Earth worms,feeders,shrimp, and Red Pellets.
7. He is still young and orange, but he is starting to show some red! Had him for two months.
8. Got him at just under an inch and now he is 4 1/2''.
9. Xingu 1
10. 150g


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 19, 2007
Laguna Beach
Sorry for my inactivity for the past few months, Ive been mad busy with moving, career change, working to pay bills, relationship salvage and repair, and getting sober. Thanks to all you guys for PMing me to make sure I was cool. That means alot to me. Im finally gettin caught up with my bills enough to have internet again, so now I can get back in the game again finally. so here goes.... This my crenicichla story....
1) my name is ROB (really Robin)
2) Ive been in the hobby for almost 2 years now.
3) Pikes were the main reason for gettin back in the hobby again after 25 years. I had one as a kid with a bunch of other cichlids in a 40g and always knew that if I ever kept fish again pikes would be the first that I would be on the hunt for.
4) In the past 2 years Ive had 7 svenis, 2 Bellycrawlers, 3 johannas, 1 venezuela, 2 xinguIs, 1 strigatta, and my prized lenticulata lady.
5) right now I have my lentic, 1 sveni and 1 bcrawler.
6) all my pikes are eating pellets every other day and the occasional feeder once a month or so.
7) all my pikes seem to color up nicely when they reach adulthood.
8) all but my lentic were bought as juvies and raised to adulthood
9) my fav. pike as of now is Lenticulata, although mine is a murderous ***** that likes to kill the occasional tankmate.
10) My lentic is 14'' in a 150g with 2 monos, 10 & 12'', a female festae, 6'', a 7'' carpinte, and a 9'' royal pleco. Oh yeah, my 6'' bcrawler is in there but lives in a lentic proof hollow log so I rarely see her.
My male sveni is 6'' in a 60g and is the last of 5 juvies that I bought in an effort to establish a pair.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
1.Kieran ( good ol Irish name )
2.on an off 3 years and now another 2 years but i've all ways been around tanks
3.barely 1 year still a pike newb the moment i have a sveni
5. other then sveni i had a SP. venezuela but sold it i miss him it ate SOOO much
6. my sveni is a little picky but will eat all most all frozen foods still won't eat pellets my venezuela ate EVERYTHING
7.1 day for sveni my venezuela ate 1 hour after being in the tank its looks never really changed so i suppose it colored up right away
8. 3''-4'' so far just seemed to thicken up
9. cobra
10. 180 gallon


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 5, 2007
1. Archie
2. 5years

3. 3yrs but not continous.
4. 3kinds (16counts)
5. XinguI, Regani, Unidentified specie under Saxatilis group.
6. Guppies. 20pieces.
7. Just an overnight.
8. XinguI: 2inches - they are now 4-6inches after 3mos.
9. C.Jegui. more on lugubris group.and the dwarves.
10. XinguI: 75gal | Regani: 20gal | unID: 20gal


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Mar 21, 2008
Peanut_Power;1252607; said:
1. What is your first name? Ivan
2. How long have you been in the hobby??? 25 years
3. How long have you been keeping Crenicichla??? Never, hope to in the future.
4. How many pikes do you have? N/A
5. List all the species that you have. N/A
6. What do you feed them and how many times a day? N/A
7. How long did it take your new pike to color up after you put it in the tank? N/A
8. How large were they when you got them, and how much have they grown since you had them? N/A
9. What is your fav. type of pike? N/A
10. What size tanks do you keep your pikes in? N/A
I currently have one 10 gallon community tank with platies, tiger barbs and otos set up in my office at work, since my fish room went the way of the dodo when we moved to this house in early 2005. All my tanks are being stored. So some may wonder why I'm posting in this section. Crenicichla is one of the few genera of cichlids in the hobby I have never kept. But within the next two years I plan on building a fish building, including two, large custom tanks (750 gallons) or one 1500 gallon tank, and I would like to give them a shot. Since the whole reason for these tanks are to keep a few of the larger Amazonian species I've never felt comfortable housing before, I'm researching compatibility of different species and families to figure out how I'm going to set this up, whether I need two tanks to keep everything I want to or if I can work it in with one. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!



darth pike

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2008
1. What is your first name? Chris
2. How long have you been in the hobby??? 20 years off and on.
3. How long have you been keeping Crenicichla??? Two years.
4. How many pikes do you have? None currently. :(
5. List all the species that you have. Formally Cr. noto's and compressiceps.
6. What do you feed them and how many times a day? Were fed once a day, alternating freezed dried krill, frozen bloodworms, frozen mysis shrimp, frozen daphnia, and frozen glassworms.
7. How long did it take your new pike to color up after you put it in the tank? Immediately, though dwarves usually don't lose their colors.
8. How large were they when you got them, and how much have they grown since you had them? All were purchased as adults.
9. What is your fav. type of pike? Cr. regani or 'orinico dwarves'
10. What size tanks do you keep your pikes in?
50 or 40 breeders.

Will deffinately be getting back into pikes as soon as I find some, though will be avoiding compressiceps until I can get a bigger tank. Alas I live on a second floor apartment that is rather shoddy construction, thus don't trust anything bigger than my 50 breeder. That is the only reason I don't keep bigger pikes atm. :grinno:

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
1. What is your first name? Hudson
2. How long have you been in the hobby??? Roughly two years,

6 month interval when i had to seel all my fish:cry:
3. How long have you been keeping Crenicichla??? 7 months
4. How many pikes do you have? 1 i will soon get more.
5. List all the species that you have. Crenicichla regani

6. What do you feed them and how many times a day? Occasional worms, once a week i put a school of cardinal tetras. 7. How long did it take your new pike to color up after you put it in the tank? 3-4 months
8. How large were they when you got them, and how much have they grown since you had them? was three inches now is five.
9. What is your fav. type of pike? Cr. regani or crenicichla comprisceps
10. What size tanks do you keep your pikes in? 30" long tank
my pike cichlid is deffinately my favorite fish ever.:D



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 28, 2008
Sitka AK

1. What is your first name? Dennis
2. How long have you been in the hobby??? 1 year
3. How long have you been keeping Crenicichla??? 2 months
4. How many pikes do you have? 1
5. List all the species that you have. Crencichla sp. Belly Crawler
6. What do you feed them and how many times a day? 1
7. How long did it take your new pike to color up after you put it in the tank? about an hour
8. How large were they when you got them, and how much have they grown since you had them? 2" not a whole lot of growth maybe a 1/4"
9. What is your fav. type of pike? so far just the BC, would like a Johhana eventually
10. What size tanks do you keep your pikes in? 75 gal


MFK Member
Feb 19, 2007
Marlton, NJ
1. What is your first name? Andy
2. How long have you been in the hobby??? 25 years
3. How long have you been keeping Crenicichla??? 2 years
4. How many pikes do you have? 4
5. List all the species that you have. cr. sp. "Belly Crawler", cr. anthurus(?), cr. sp. 'Xingu I', cr. johanna
6. What do you feed them and how many times a day? I feed Hikari pellets, frozen krill and silversides, FD krill, and sinking pellets; 1-2 times daily
7. How long did it take your new pike to color up after you put it in the tank? a few hours, tops.
8. How large were they when you got them, and how much have they grown since you had them? all were 2-3" when I got them, the johanna has grown the most. I've had her for about a year now, she's around the 10-11" mark.
9. What is your fav. type of pike? a few different ones - Tapajos Red, Cobra, Marmorata, and Lenticulata.
10. What size tanks do you keep your pikes in? 75g and a 220g


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 7, 2008
1. What is your first name? Nichole
2. How long have you been in the hobby??? 13 years non-stop. Had a few fish tanks before that when I was a kid, though.

3. How long have you been keeping Crenicichla??? 2 weeks
4. How many pikes do you have? 2, both females
5. List all the species that you have. Crenicichla sp. Belly Crawler

6. What do you feed them and how many times a day? Frozen krill, shrimp pellets, bloodworms
7. How long did it take your new pike to color up after you put it in the tank? Less than an hour.

8. How large were they when you got them, and how much have they grown since you had them? Mine are probably both full-grown at around 8".
9. What is your fav. type of pike? So many to choose far, I love them all.
10. What size tanks do you keep your pikes in? 65 gallon