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Betta Universe

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2023
I just recently bought 8 black bumblebee cichlids 2 inches, 2 convict cichlids 3 inches, 1 pink kissing gourami 5 inches, and 1 opaline gourami 5 inches from someone off market place he had them all together which i thought was weird as there water conditions were ridiculously below par, i just noticed today that the opaline has a missing streamer and a bite out of her right fin and the pink kissing one has a torn tail fin aswell had them for about a week and the tear, bite, and missing streamer are all new, my question is are the two gourami able to be housed with my comets, and black Moore goldfish temporarily seeing as both gourami seem super chill and peaceful? Ps: my albino Senegal bichir 5 inches seems fine he ignores them all and the cichlids avoid him
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MFK Member
May 30, 2021
Before anyone can really give you advice you need to clarify if all these fish in the same tank or different tanks. It's not too clear to me right now based off your description. Also how large are your tanks + what are water parameters like?

You got an odd mix of fish in that list that require at least 2 separate tanks.

I would say keep the goldfish together in one tank since they need colder water and might get bullied to death by the more aggressive cichlids and gouramis.

If you only have 2 tanks, you can risk putting the bichir, bumblebees, convicts, and gouramis into one tank for now (unless the bichir is large enough to eat the small cichlids). However, this is very risky long term because you are mixing fish from completely different parts of the world. Personally, I've had success mixing Africans and Central American cichlids (which both need higher pH water) but this success largely depends on your tank size and the individual fish.

If you have 3 tanks, then separate out the gouramis from the cichlids because the cichlids when large will probably beat up the gouramis (maybe they're beating up the gouramis right now hence the shredded fins).

Betta Universe

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2023
Before anyone can really give you advice you need to clarify if all these fish in the same tank or different tanks. It's not too clear to me right now based off your description. Also how large are your tanks + what are water parameters like?

You got an odd mix of fish in that list that require at least 2 separate tanks.

I would say keep the goldfish together in one tank since they need colder water and might get bullied to death by the more aggressive cichlids and gouramis.

If you only have 2 tanks, you can risk putting the bichir, bumblebees, convicts, and gouramis into one tank for now (unless the bichir is large enough to eat the small cichlids). However, this is very risky long term because you are mixing fish from completely different parts of the world. Personally, I've had success mixing Africans and Central American cichlids (which both need higher pH water) but this success largely depends on your tank size and the individual fish.

If you have 3 tanks, then separate out the gouramis from the cichlids because the cichlids when large will probably beat up the gouramis (maybe they're beating up the gouramis right now hence the shredded fins).
He had them in same tank and they are currently in the same tank but with far better water quality


MFK Member
May 30, 2021
He had them in same tank and they are currently in the same tank but with far better water quality
What size tank may I ask? This determines a lot if you want more detailed advice. If you have a 1000 gallon pond, you can theoretically put all these fish together (except the goldfish). But if you only have a few 29 gallon tanks, then you'll have to separate out each species to their own tank.
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Betta Universe

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2023
The gold fish are in a separate tank, i have 4 aquariums going all 4 amonia 0 ppm 1. 20G low Tropical micro tank 2. 40G goldfish tank
3. 55G Semi aggressive tank
4. 20G female betta sorority

Betta Universe

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2023
My question is can I put my gouramis female opaline and male pink kissing "which are both chill and don't bother any of the other fish" with my goldfish temporarily so they are not getting attacked by the cichlids?


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Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
He had them in same tank and they are currently in the same tank but with far better water quality
So you bought the tank from him as well? Because you say they're in the same tank. Or do you mean they were also in a 55G which is what I imagine you have them in as you also don't answer which tank they're in. You list your tanks so I'm assuming they're in your 55G-"Semi aggressive tank". And how do you know your water quality is better? The only parameter you mention is ammonia. What are your other parameters? Did you test his water to be able to tell yours is "better quality"?

You use common names so again I have to guess about some of your fish. The Black Bumblebee I'm guessing are Tilapia buttikoferi? Or is it Pseudotropheus crabro? Or a Bumble Bee Oscar? I also don't know your full stock because you list 12 fish at first then throw in the Bichir at the end making for 13 fish in a 55. Are there other tankmates you haven't mentioned?

Even if it's 12 that's a lot of fish for a 55 especially considering your stock. If any of the Bumblee cichlids are the species I mentioned a 55 isn't going to be big enough for 8 of them for very long if is even now considering how aggressive some of the species are. That combined with Convicts which are also notorious for being aggressive and I can see why you're having issues. The Gourami's have long filament pelvic fins which are often targeted by many fish especially cichlids so that explains the missing streamer and as I stated before the cichlids you have them housed with are fairly aggressive which explains the missing fin pieces. Aggression even if the Gourami's are moved would sill exist amongst the cichlids and your birchir would likely become a target as well.

Temporarily housing with the Goldfish as SalviniCichlidFan SalviniCichlidFan said isn't a good idea. While possible it would require you to raise your Goldfish tank temp which can be very problematic for the Goldfish as they live in cooler water because of their need for more dissolved oxygen in their water. Also Goldfish produce copious amounts of waste which could affect the Gourami's and the Gourami's may pick on the Goldfish. Just to name a few issues that may arise. Unfortunately, your best bet would probably be to rehome your fish and research more on the fish you'd like to add to your 55 for the near future.

Betta Universe

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2023
So you bought the tank from him as well? Because you say they're in the same tank. Or do you mean they were also in a 55G which is what I imagine you have them in as you also don't answer which tank they're in. You list your tanks so I'm assuming they're in your 55G-"Semi aggressive tank". And how do you know your water quality is better? The only parameter you mention is ammonia. What are your other parameters? Did you test his water to be able to tell yours is "better quality"?

You use common names so again I have to guess about some of your fish. The Black Bumblebee I'm guessing are Tilapia buttikoferi? Or is it Pseudotropheus crabro? Or a Bumble Bee Oscar? I also don't know your full stock because you list 12 fish at first then throw in the Bichir at the end making for 13 fish in a 55. Are there other tankmates you haven't mentioned?

Even if it's 12 that's a lot of fish for a 55 especially considering your stock. If any of the Bumblee cichlids are the species I mentioned a 55 isn't going to be big enough for 8 of them for very long if is even now considering how aggressive some of the species are. That combined with Convicts which are also notorious for being aggressive and I can see why you're having issues. The Gourami's have long filament pelvic fins which are often targeted by many fish especially cichlids so that explains the missing streamer and as I stated before the cichlids you have them housed with are fairly aggressive which explains the missing fin pieces. Aggression even if the Gourami's are moved would sill exist amongst the cichlids and your birchir would likely become a target as well.

Temporarily housing with the Goldfish as SalviniCichlidFan SalviniCichlidFan said isn't a good idea. While possible it would require you to raise your Goldfish tank temp which can be very problematic for the Goldfish as they live in cooler water because of their need for more dissolved oxygen in their water. Also Goldfish produce copious amounts of waste which could affect the Gourami's and the Gourami's may pick on the Goldfish. Just to name a few issues that may arise. Unfortunately, your best bet would probably be to rehome your fish and research more on the fish you'd like to add to your 55 for the near future.
His water was almost black and all the fish were on there sides gasping, and good gracious no there in a 55g I have my ASB in so it's already been cycled