I'm concerned.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Apr 19, 2021
This puts the onus firmly on the buyer, and in this day and age it's not exactly difficult to research fish.
Very true, but thousands of people still don't research. Just look up "fish" or "fish tank" on one of the bigger, more modern social media platforms, take TikTok for example, and you will be met with unfathomable, almost cosmic horrors.
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Stephen St.Clair

MFK Member
Jul 2, 2017
I have noticed in recent years that the two Petcos I shop have become more ambitious stocking more exotic species as compared to Petsmart.
Petco's prices have been much cheaper than those of the traditional LFS's in my area. For example Denison Barbs at my traditional LFS are priced at $18. Petco's price is < $10.
I haven't experienced any disease issues from Petco fish & their 28 day return policy is unparalleled.
As for a novice fishkeeper snagging a Petco Pacu, it's buyer beware, Lol.
In most cases, a 30 second on line search using a cell phone should remedy that situation.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
The days of walking into a small Mom-and-Pop store and relying upon the kindly owner to know everything about everything...and to tell you what he/she knows...are history. Everybody is walking around with a powerful computer in their pocket or purse...yet the only person I have ever seen standing in front of a fishtank in a shop and researching a potential purchase...is me!

And a lot of fishkeeping newbies seem to think that "research" means going onto social media, tilting their heads back with mouths agape like a nestling bird, and stridently demanding "feed me knowledge!"

Sometimes it's funny: "My new XYZ fish won't eat! He's been in his new tank for almost 20 minutes, and refuses all food! I've even tried Skittles, which I thought would be irresistible...should I be worried???"

Sometimes it's sad: "My new filter comes in a box and I don't know how to get it out! What do I do??"

But sometimes it's just plain infuriating: "I just bought this fish [insert picture here]. What's it called? How big does it get? What does it eat? Does it need salt water or fresh? It's still in the bag and the bag is leaking and I'm not sure where to set up this new aquarium for it...what do I do?????"

PetCo's fault? Not at all; they are in business to sell what people want to buy, and employ minimum-wage kids to serve their customers. This is not a case of "Buyer beware!" It's more a matter of "Buyer, be aware!"...and very few are. Nobody's fault but their own.

Edited to add: Has anyone observed that a PetCo located in an area with little or no real "fish store" competition offers better selection or service than one in a big city with proper aquarium retailers nearby? Or perhaps the reverse, where competition forces an improvement in the PetCo store?


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Edited to add: Has anyone observed that a PetCo located in an area with little or no real "fish store" competition offers better selection or service than one in a big city with proper aquarium retailers nearby? Or perhaps the reverse, where competition forces an improvement in the PetCo store?
50/50 by me. Of the 3-5 petcos by me, one has an amazing selection, 3 are better than a petsmart, and one is just run of the mill stuff.
The best one has crazy prices too, like a 10 dollar ornate bichir. None are particularly close to a fish store though (but all are near petsmarts). There used to be a lfs by one of them, but it closed a few years ago, and wasn’t too good anyway. All in all, I’ve noticed pretty good selections in petcos, definitely better than a petsmart, though disease is very frequent, especially in saltwater.
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MFK Member
May 2, 2018
Lake Worth Florida
If you think that's bad, there is a chain here in South Florida and I believe Florida in general that routinely stocks the following:
Red Tail Catfish
Tiger Shovelnose catfish
Red Devil
Id Shark
I thought most were just special orders but when I go in on Tuesdays the same fish comes in.


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
If you think that's bad, there is a chain here in South Florida and I believe Florida in general that routinely stocks the following:
Red Tail Catfish
Tiger Shovelnose catfish
Red Devil
Id Shark
I thought most were just special orders but when I go in on Tuesdays the same fish comes in.
That would be a dream come true if they weren’t all going into 20 gallon tanks…


MFK Member
May 2, 2018
Lake Worth Florida
That would be a dream come true if they weren’t all going into 20 gallon tanks…
Sadly most of those arowanas sold probably don't make it past 5''. I hate when stores sell baby silver aros when they are fragile.


MFK Member
Oct 2, 2008
New York
Well we members here bear a lot of the responsibility for this situation. There used to be a lot of local fish stores with people working at them who were informed. But those days are long gone. First the equipment side moved mostly to the net and then the fish and invert side followed. So what is left?

Some really incredible local stores that are very few and far between are still around. But most keepers will never ever know of them. And then there are the PetCos and PetSmarts etc. They are basically the only stores that can manage selling mostly small or cheaper fish. they are what the beginner will find 9 out ot 10 times they get started.

I have been in the hobby for 21 years and I cannot remember the last time I bought a fish from a pet store. I have bought fewer than 2% of my fish from brick and mortar locations. The only fish related store within a 30 minute drive are chains pets stores.

People entering the hobby have no clue but are scared of buying fish shipped to them. They have few options and they wind up at pet chains that normally have no info that helps and they do not really care,

So, let's share the blame ourselves for this situation esxisting as it does.

As for the internet as a sources of information, there is no filter, There is no required knowledge needed to make a Youtube channel and spew misinformation. Facebook etc. are where information goes to die.

I can tell you that I have read more bad info than good on most fish sites. How does the beginner even know what sites or online info to trust?