Looking for a wet/dry pet


MFK Member
Jun 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
I used to have a green basilisk and like someone else said they are very cool to watch. Mine would swim all the time but spend the rest of his time just basking.

I fed mine primarily on mealworms, but he would take bits of green matter too. He refused to eat crickets so thats why I had to find other options. They look very beautiful and can be very cheap to get hold of too.

bad points? One of the fastest lizards on earth. they run on their back feet and if you do catch them they don`t hesitate to bite. they have a very strong deffence instinct.
they don`t like to be handled generally. but if you got a small one and got it used to being handled they can become tame with regular practice, mine was pretty tame considering.

I kept mine with a redfoot tortoise, they both love the same kind of set up and the water was not too deep for the tortoise to drown