My Clarias catfish


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 8, 2008
here are some vids and some pics of my Clarias batrachus catfish, first up a vid of my big female
and a vid of my slighty smaller male (who is a pied) and another quick look at the female these arnt massive for batrachus as the female is only around 16" and the male around 12" but i used to have a olive/black male around 24"

i filmed these late at night when the aquarium lights were out just before i went to bed so they are abit dark so heres a pic of the male as u dont get a good look at him

and heres a old shot of most of the females tank

(that white blur is her) ive removed the water lettuce and shes killed the vallis looking plant (dunno what it is but its not vallis)from up rooting it and ive also removed some big amozon sword plants and tiger lotus (at the other side u cant see) the java fern is really gowning well on the driftwood and ive re-aranged the driftwood with java.

i plan on adding some gaint vallis in aquatic pots weighted down with large rocks and a large asian lotus (like one used in ponds) and a replacing her tube with a rock cave big enough for both fish to fit in when i move the male in and poss some more driftwood with java fern (and removing the anubias)


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Cool fish, although I prefer the natural colored to the pie-bald ones.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 12, 2009
Nice fish man, cool pigment, as others state, yes I love cool colored fish, but natural coloring always pwns. In my opinion, it even goes for discuses.

Red Devil

Nice to meet you and welcome to MFK
Staff member
MFK Member
Feb 23, 2006
United states of America
he is gorgeous.. wish they were legal here..


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
Oscar Tummy
That's a bangin' fish. Totally among my top 100 favorite species of catfish. Nice looking specimen. Spots or not, the finnage and barbels are textbook pristine. Spoil him with good, good food.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 8, 2008
yeah i used to have a massive male that was the grey type as i mentioned, but these are one of those fish were you get naturaly accuring albinos so these fish are 'natural' but i understand what you guys are saying (when i was looking for another one i was hoping for the grey type)

knifegill im feeding my cats on lance fish, prawns, cichlid gold fish food and carnivore sinking pellets. also as i keep reps i have spare meal worms and wax worms which they both eat. the female has also eaten in the past pachnoda (sun beatle larvea), crickets, locusts, earthworms, mussels, squid and the occasional dead mouse.

AU_Arowana-RG their temp is typical big catfish temp wanting to eat everything. i used to have the female in with big pacus and large kissing gouramis and she was fine with them but ive tried putting two 8" pacu in with her and she killed them in two days.
i plan on adding big kissers (i think it was the spines on the fish that made her leave them alone once she realised they were spiky she wouldnt bother them) and i plan on growing on some dats and adding them (i think if they are big enough she will realise theres no way she could eat them and wouldnt try like with the big pacu and plus dats also have spines)
when i had her in with other fish in the past she has a mate in with her and she seemed to pay all her attention to the mate instead of the other fish so thats the plan (obv if they decide to spawn they will defend their nest and agression will rise)

soz for the long winded reply
(cheers for looking and be sure to check out the vids)