Oscar and Green terror paired


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 25, 2024
So I have had 2 oscars, both of 3 inches, than a 2 inch green terror came along. The 2 oscars where always swimming together no issues. The green terror (female) mind her own business no problem, actually a little bossy to the oscars, oscars did not mind the terror at all. However, now things have change. One of the oscars has paired with the green terror, call him "the boss", chasing the other oscar, call him snuggly, (for pig, he stuffed his mouth with 5 mealworms), away when he comes close to a cave log I have for the pleco, (pleco minds noone, he is just in his own world). Anyway, I'm a little confuse because I have seen this protruding bump on the terror (that's how I discover it was a female, and about to lay some eggs), and the boss is with her and she doesn't mind him around her cave, or their cave for that matter. However when snuggly comes around 3 inches from the cave they both chase him away and than they get back to their cave. FYI, the boss and terror don't mind the pleco been in the cave. So whatsup with snuggly ? Poor thing was good and now lives at the top and left of the tank. So my guess is they paired and are protecting their future spawning area? ( I haven't seen any egges). Or they just want to reject the snuggly ? I dont know. I mean they are not in constant fighting is just a territorial issue of the cave. They feed together, they swim together, if is far away from the cave... any ideas.? I dont want to remove the cave in case she is going to lay eggs there. However I don't think, for what I have read, that oscar and green terror can have succeful fry. Let me know your thoughts people !!! I'm all ears !


MFK Member
Dec 28, 2022
They can't breed, but maybe they don't know that. Green terrors can breed at small size. I've never heard of oscars breeding at that size. If there is no damage being done give it a couple days and see if it returns to normal. If not you may need to rehome a fish.
Forgot to ask what size tank?
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