OXFAM: "100 richest people could end world poverty"


Ole Dawg
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2006
Very much south..
I actually disagree, Miguel.

While there will always be inequality, it doesn't need to be as extreme as it has become. It HASN'T been this extreme, historically.

And let me add, Matt, that on the contrary, it has been much worse, the inequality. Absent some loony regimens, the world is now a better place ( bar those inequalities already mentioned in this thread ) than it was, historically. Millions, billions,were not considered as people. People died of everything at very young ages.

Again, absent some still surviving despot dinossaurs, people are better off now.


MFK Member
Jan 3, 2006
I couldn't agree more, Miguel.

Until (relatively) recently the idea of a middle class was missing both here in the US and around the world. And of course racism and sexism meant that some people were completely cut out.

Much of the world can hardly feed itself. Not because of laziness or stupidity but because of structural issues. Colonial masters don't (generally) educate the populace or build enduring infrastructure for a reason! People busy walking miles for water don't have a lot of energy for revolution. Not that post-Colonials like Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe are any better...

I was referring more to recent US history. In 1970, the average CEO made about 40 times what the average worker made. By 1988 it was almost 200 times. And by 2000, the average CEO made over 1,000 times what the average worker made. Not sure what the current ratio is but I'd bet that it's not better...


And let me add, Matt, that on the contrary, it has been much worse, the inequality. Absent some loony regimens, the world is now a better place ( bar those inequalities already mentioned in this thread ) than it was, historically. Millions, billions,were not considered as people. People died of everything at very young ages.

Again, absent some still surviving despot dinossaurs, people are better off now.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 15, 2010
Sunnyvale, CA
China over the next decade is going to an interesting case study in the excesses of hyper growth / unregulated (crony) capitalism. Like our country at the turn of the 20th century (after the Gilded Age or Robber Barons and the like), China will be shaken by labor strife, corruption, environmental damage and other factors. If anyone is paying attention, China's neo-colonial activities in Africa and the Caribbean are in full swing. Deals with despots in Sudan? No problem...just give us your oil. Extract the (public) resources. Pay a few. And the populace suffers. I've seen that movie before. It doesn't end well. Although it's had a few sequels...

LOL Matt, people have been saying these sort of things for years and always have been disappointed. As for the deals with Sudan, perhaps you should check our own sources of oil and gas before commenting on Chinese sources. You do not have a leg to stand on, unless you managed not to take advantage of the low American gas prices ;)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 15, 2010
Sunnyvale, CA
I am also ,,,,100 % disabled.... (cerebral palsey)and 100%of my income is social sec. + $112 per month food stamps ... try that on for size.... 3.50 a day for food and 65%of my s.s. goes JUST for rent... but I do have 6 tanks.... so I see the way people SQUANDER THEIR MONEY...and just wonder :popcorn:
As a proof of things are better(at least in the Western world)...In the olden days, people who are misfortune like this either spend their life in the poor house, or just die, instead of public assistance. Sorry to burst some people's nostalgia.


MFK Member
Jan 3, 2006
Did I say that the US only gets oil from nice people?!?

Only the future will tell about what happens in China. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on some major upheaval / unrest in China over the next decade as growth slows, wages and conditions for workers stagnate, clean water, food and air (!) become scarce...and social media exposes ordinary people to the corruption at the top. Of course, everything could be hunky dory ;)


LOL Matt, people have been saying these sort of things for years and always have been disappointed. As for the deals with Sudan, perhaps you should check our own sources of oil and gas before commenting on Chinese sources. You do not have a leg to stand on, unless you managed not to take advantage of the low American gas prices ;)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 15, 2010
Sunnyvale, CA
Did I say that the US only gets oil from nice people?!?

Only the future will tell about what happens in China. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on some major upheaval / unrest in China over the next decade as growth slows, wages and conditions for workers stagnate, clean water, food and air (!) become scarce...and social media exposes ordinary people to the corruption at the top. Of course, everything could be hunky dory ;)

You really think the ordinary people don't know? ;)

In Chinese, revolution has a real direct meaning in the language...It's literally means part with life as in the living breathing part. As bad as social issues are, they are still MUCH better than the supposed "everyone is equal" state imposed socialism; and no one wants to part with their life to change. Frankly, all Chinese has to look to are the supposed newly created democracies to say no thanks to major social unrest; as someone who spends a lot of time in China, the mood seems a lot more upbeat than US or Europe.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 15, 2010
Sunnyvale, CA
Did I say that the US only gets oil from nice people?!?

Only the future will tell about what happens in China. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on some major upheaval / unrest in China over the next decade as growth slows, wages and conditions for workers stagnate, clean water, food and air (!) become scarce...and social media exposes ordinary people to the corruption at the top. Of course, everything could be hunky dory ;)

That's why as an American who do take advantage of these things, the words of outrage seem a little less convincing ;)


MFK Member
Jan 3, 2006
Knowing and organizing are different things.

What's your point? That things in China are / will remain stable and happy?

We're still cleaning up the (environmental, social, financial) messes of our industrial revolution... The experience of the US should be viewed as a cautionary tale vs. smug finger pointing...


You really think the ordinary people don't know? ;)

In Chinese, revolution has a real direct meaning in the language...It's literally means part with life as in the living breathing part. As bad as social issues are, they are still MUCH better than the supposed "everyone is equal" state imposed socialism; and no one wants to part with their life to change. Frankly, all Chinese has to look to are the supposed newly created democracies to say no thanks to major social unrest; as someone who spends a lot of time in China, the mood seems a lot more upbeat than US or Europe.