Phoenix barb trio, Spinibarbus denticulatus, ~2'


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Got a trio of Phoenix barbs aka Spinibarbus denticulatus, 1 male, 2 females, from Wes in Aug 2015 at ~16"-18". Lovely, unusual carp with bright pink colored body areas... I have never even seen them before in pictures.

Powerful swimmers and jumpers and, oh boy, can they eat! I guess them being closely related to mahseers, they all want to eat every piece of feed that enters their water. Albeit, carp and koi are the same way, if not worse. The difference being carp and koi are not a fast water fish. Mahseers and spinibarbus are, so they don't get obscenely fat like carp do, I am guessing so they keep some kind of hydrodynamic shape :) They are ~2' now, all three, and solid packed...

They love their pellets of any and all kinds but cut fish and often whole bait fish are taken too readily. I've not seen them hunt any smaller tank mates in their 4500 gal. There is nothing smaller there than 8"-10" and that's too big for them to try prey on, it seems.

They exhibited some breeding behavior over summer with both females chasing and body slamming and pressing against the male and also against each other. IDK if they spawned or not because even if they did, there is 100 mouths in there to suck all the eggs up as they are released. But they have been engaged in these songs and dances for at least a couple of months if not longer, on and off.

IME, they don't like soft (KH and GH both under 3 degree) and acidic water and develop slime/skin problems. They like schooling together most of the time.

Lots of personality and smarts (for a fish). They appear to know that I'm the only human that feeds them. They come up to the front glass and swim in large circles rubbing their snouts on the glass, or up and down showing how happy and eager they are.

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Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA

One has called it quits. The two remaining appear fine in their 4500 gal. From the swelling and the unexpectedness of this, I suspect the columnaris that has been taking out fish for the last half a year or so.

Aug 2015 at ~17", in 3+ years, Oct 2018 at ~26", gained 9".

100_8251.JPG 100_8253-1.JPG


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Update: the two remaining barbs, I believe a male and a female, got an upgrade from 4500 gal to 25,000 gal:



Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I know this is kind of old but are they still available? ?
I don't know what you mean by available but they are alive and well and live in a 25,000 gal carp exhibit. As long as they live I will keep updating this thread every now and then. It's overdue, I realize.