Question about quarantining new arrivals


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
I think that Duanes method is the most ideal, although to that I also feed presoaked 3% epsom salt pellets for for 5 days as a preventative for internal pathogens such as spiro/hex, and if possible give the fish a 1 hour dip in Seachem Paraguard as a preventative for external parasites. (or treat the tank with copper)

One thing that I will add to this discussion, in years past most of us didn't have to deal with some of the super bugs that are currently present in this hobby. Bacteria & various pathogens that originate from ponds in Singapore, Vietnam, China, and then later mutate in ponds in Florida, etc.

I've posted this a few times over the past year, but for those that haven't read it here it is again.

Imported ornamental fish are colonized with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. © 2013

There has been growing concern about the overuse of antibiotics in the ornamental fish industry and its possible effect on the increasing drug resistance in both commensal and pathogenic organisms in these fish. The aim of this study was to carry out an assessment of the diversity of bacteria, including pathogens, in ornamental fish species imported into North America and to assess their antibiotic resistance. Kidney samples were collected from 32 freshwater ornamental fish of various species, which arrived to an importing facility in Portland, Oregon from Colombia, Singapore and Florida. Sixty-four unique bacterial colonies were isolated and identified by PCR using bacterial 16S primers and DNA sequencing. Multiple isolates were identified as bacteria with potential to cause disease in both fish and humans. The antibiotic resistance profile of each isolate was performed for nine different antibiotics. Among them, cefotaxime (16% resistance among isolates) was the antibiotic associated with more activity, while the least active was tetracycline (77% resistant). Knowing information about the diversity of bacteria in imported ornamental fish, as well as the resistance profiles for the bacteria will be useful in more effectively treating clinical infected fish, and also potential zoonoses in the future.

And a follow up article from that study.

Worst case scenario is you wipe out years worth of healthy livestock, on a gamble ......


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Just in case that second link becomes invalid at some point in the near future .....

Ornamental fish industry faces problems with antibiotic resistance
college of veterinary medicine

NEWPORT, Ore. – The $15 billion ornamental fish industry faces a global problem with antibiotic resistance, a new study concludes, raising concern that treatments for fish diseases may not work when needed – and creating yet another mechanism for exposing humans to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The risk to humans is probably minor unless they frequently work with fish or have compromised immune systems, researchers said, although transmission of disease from tropical fish has been shown to occur. More serious is the risk to this industry, which has grown significantly in recent years, and is now a $900 million annual business in the United States.

There are few regulations in the U.S. or elsewhere about treating ornamental fish with antibiotics, experts say. Antibiotics are used routinely, such as when fish are facing stress due to transport, whether or not they have shown any sign of disease.

“We expected to find some antibiotic resistance, but it was surprising to find such high levels, including resistance in some cases where the antibiotic is rarely used,” said Tim Miller-Morgan, a veterinary aquatics specialist with Oregon State University. “We appear to already have set ourselves up for some pretty serious problems within the industry.”

In the new study, 32 freshwater fish of various species were tested for resistance to nine different antibiotics, and some resistance was found to every antibiotic. The highest level of resistance, 77 percent, was found with the common antibiotic tetracycline. The fish were tested in Portland, Ore., after being transported from Colombia, Singapore and Florida.

Findings of the study were reported in the Journal of Fish Diseases.

The bacterial infections found in the fish included Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and others, several of which can infect both fish and humans.

“The range of resistance is often quite disturbing,” the scientists wrote in their report. “It is not uncommon to see resistance to a wide range of antibiotic classes, including beta-lactams, macrolides, tetracyclines, sulphonamides, quinolones, cephalosporins and chloramphenicol.”

Problems and concerns with antibiotic resistance have been growing for years, Miller-Morgan said. The nature of the resistance can range widely, causing an antibiotic to lose some, or all of its effectiveness.

There have been documented cases of disease transmission from fish to humans, he said, but it’s not common. It would be a particular concern for anyone with a weak or compromised immune system, he pointed out, and people with such health issues should discuss tropical fish management with their physician. Workers who constantly handle tropical fish may also face a higher level of risk.

From an industry perspective, losses of fish to bacterial disease may become increasingly severe, he said, because antibiotics will lose their effectiveness.

Anyone handling tropical fish can use some basic precautions that should help, Miller-Morgan said. Consumers should buy only healthy fish; avoid cleaning tanks with open cuts or sores on their hands; use gloves; immediately remove sick fish from tanks; consider quarantining all new fish in a separate tank for 30 days; wash hands after working with fish; and never use antibiotics in a fish tank unless actually treating a known fish disease caused by bacteria.

“We don’t think individuals should ever use antibiotics in a random, preventive or prophylactic method,” Miller-Morgan said. “Even hobbyists can learn more about how to identify tropical fish parasites and diseases, and use antibiotics only if a bacterial disease is diagnosed.”

On an industry level, he said, considerable progress could be made with improvements in fish husbandry, better screening and handling, and use of quarantines, rather than antibiotics, to reduce fish disease.

The ornamental fish industry is large and diverse, including trade of more than 6,000 species of freshwater and marine fish from more than 100 different countries. About half the supply originates in Asia, and freshwater farming of ornamental fish is a rapidly growing industry.

Also increasing is the number of trained fish veterinarians, who can help fish hobbyists to reduce disease loss and save treasured pets. More information is available from the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Fish Veterinarians. A database of aquatic veterinarians is available online, at


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 14, 2014
I unfortunately didn't have another tank to QT yet. I avoid buying fish. I had no need to buy another until recently when I really got back into the hobby. And as of today I didn't and still don't need another fish but I want one since my centerpiece died. I'm actually setting up a 5 gallon QT right now since I just got one for free.

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MFK Member
Oct 28, 2009
socal, oc
I have a permanent qt set up in my garage. Simple sponge filter and heater. Blacked out, and covered in styrofoam. All new purchases get placed in here for a few weeks of observation.

I always treat with prazipro. In a bare bottom setup you can see the worms easy. If I do see worms, a second treatment is done. Time in qt gives the new guys time to adjust to my water and a easy way to eyeball them in case I missed some infection. Also a good way to train them on NLS, most new fish I get take a while to get used to it and it's my staple.

I learned my lesson when I lost a 7 year old ranchu from a stupid $1.99 petsmart oranda with slight fungus. I felt horrible, lesson learned.

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MFK Member
Oct 3, 2014
Louisville, KY
I'm ecstatic I have the extra tank now because those rainbows that were sent to me with parasites are now battling ich. They were already in the extra tank being treated for the parasites when I noticed it. It's comforting knowing that I can keep most of my focus on this small tank and deal with the ones showing symptoms rather than freaking out about everyone in the big tank. I'm currently doing a heat treatment on my big tank as well though just as a safety measure. Though most seem to shrug ich off like it's not that big of a deal, it's my first time ever dealing with it. I will definitely be quarantining all new fish.

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Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; Once a parasite or disease shows up like ick, I try to avoid cross contamination. Using equipment such as nets in only one tank is one way


MFK Member
Sep 8, 2014
I think that Duanes method is the most ideal, although to that I also feed presoaked 3% epsom salt pellets for for 5 days as a preventative for internal pathogens such as spiro/hex, and if possible give the fish a 1 hour dip in Seachem Paraguard as a preventative for external parasites. (or treat the tank with copper)

One thing that I will add to this discussion, in years past most of us didn't have to deal with some of the super bugs that are currently present in this hobby. Bacteria & various pathogens that originate from ponds in Singapore, Vietnam, China, and then later mutate in ponds in Florida, etc.

I've posted this a few times over the past year, but for those that haven't read it here it is again.

Imported ornamental fish are colonized with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. © 2013

And a follow up article from that study.

Worst case scenario is you wipe out years worth of healthy livestock, on a gamble ......
ok ya I mean theres THAT too...jeeeeeeeez haha.

P.S. that icon is throwing me...I never know its you anymore without a big golden fish being held in the picture lol.


MFK Member
Sep 8, 2014
funny, I was thinking it was disappointing.
I guess to some people it's just a fish.
It isn't just a fish. I take care of my fish even if my QT habits arent up to your standards ;) Never had a fatality yet from a new arrival carrying a super bug into my tanks. Granted thats a time bomb statement but as of now my stock is healthy and happy.


MFK Member
Sep 8, 2014
Hello; Once a parasite or disease shows up like ick, I try to avoid cross contamination. Using equipment such as nets in only one tank is one way
my tanks are paired with equipment. a set designated for two tanks, and also a seperate set for my hospital tanks just in case.