Question why do people feal the need to use the word retard?

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Viviendo la vida loca!
MFK Member
This thread is long enough already and this is not going to end its course anytime soon.

WickedMidas, you are arguing over a word that has long been used GLOBALLY and in DIFFERENT ways people choose to express it. Whether you like it or not, you cannot win over everyone else to stop using it. And whether it seems offensive to you or not because of the circumstances around you, you cannot simply tell off others to stop using it because of how they choose to express it.

If you are really offended by it, then report to the staff. I might make it clear that I am NOT asking you to report every thread with the word "retard" in it. If something like that offended you, feel free to report but do not expect us to address every report you make immediately because we study every report on a case by case basis rather than blanket it.

Bottom line, the forum rules for personal harassment, bullying and other violations stated in our TOS still apply. This is on staff's discretion how to enforce corrective actions as necessary.

Let's now move on and discuss more useful topics. Thanks.


Staff member
Jun 12, 2006
"My point is, that wasting your energy arguing that a word is offensive, is ridiculous, and that trying to “ban” a word based on your selfish definitions is wrong and moreover the assumptions that those who do use it are only trying to be insulting is what is the true offense. Your hurt feelings are a product of your inability to comprehend and understand that not everyone is not out to get you and your loved ones. You cause your own problems when it comes to language and word uses and create your own heart-ache by constantly reminding yourself that you take offense to it by engaging in attempts to remove them from the arbitrary world around you."

This is the best response i have read... the word will not be filtered.. but if any one who feel that any term/word was used in a wrong way... please report them.
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