Shrimp vs catfish fillet


MFK Member
May 20, 2014
Ontario, Canada
For predatory fishes, does shrimp have any advantage over catfish fillet ? I myself prefer shrimp, but that is another topic :grinno:
I believe nutrition wise shrimp win. Shrimp are often used as color enhancers for fish


MFK Member
Oct 21, 2012
San Francisco
I love shrimp every now and then, but I could eat a fried catfish with hot sauce every day!

catfish nutrition.gifshrimp nutrition.gif

Catfish (the one on the left) has a lot of fat, which I want to keep low for fish, but it looks great compared to shrimp in vitamins/minerals. I like to have a lot of variety, so as a single meal every now and then, both are nice. But, as a daily or every other day meal, catfish would have too much fat, imo. Shrimp as a staple would also not be great unless it was supplemented with vitamins.

Nice thing with both is some folks stick pellets in them, and some suggest injecting medications or vitamins in them.

catfish nutrition.gif

shrimp nutrition.gif


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 31, 2010
Shrimp also contains thiaminase which somehow inhibits vitamin b-1 synthesis and uptake reducing life expectancy when regularly consumed. I believe it was university of Michigan that did a study on Lake trout in the great lakes. It found that since their diet is now mainly alewives an invasive species rich in thiaminase, this has had a negative impact on their life expectancy and fertility and reestablishing their populations. The quality of their egg membrane was one of the things effected. I did however find a study by University of Vermont that concluded that alewife rich diet had no negative impact on Lake trout in Lake Champlain but this could be because that alewife population has less thiaminase than the great lakes population.

Our member RD posted some good knowledge about this on this forum before I'll look for the thread. Because of this many fish keepers are avoiding foods containing this as a staple food source.

If you feed thiamine at the same time as thiaminase it can negate the negative effects. Mix in a couple pellets or use Vitachem.

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