Skittish SH! Please HELP!

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2005
Hong Kong
Hello everybody,

I recently purchased a snakehead (Channa Marulius), i've had him for 3 days now, he's about 4 inches now and is in a tank with my 4 inch Bleheri. Anyways my Bleheri use to be very out going, use to come to the front of the tank to greet me everytime i entered the room, i could hand feed him and he was always out an about. now that i've added the new marulius he's the complete opposite. Doesn't like coming out, hides wit the marulius all day. Does any body know why?

Another thing is that my marulius is also very skittish. When i saw him at the fish store he was fine. Was swimming around and everything but when the guy at the shop was trying to net him i guess he scared the poop outta the SH coz he kinda sucked at netting him. Anyways so now the marulius is also super skittish. He's scared when i'm in the room and if i peek my head into the room he sees me and quickly dashes behind a bush. I've seen him eat a couple times which is pretty sweet.

My question is, how do i make my fish less skittish? And another thing is, if i buy a bag of feeders do you think its safe if i put all the fish into the tank and the SH's will eat when they are hungry, or will they keep eating all the fish until they pop and die. When i feed the marulius now he eats whatever i put into the tank till the point that it looks like his little belly will explode!

Any help would be much appeciated!

Thanks in advance


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 6, 2005
Monster's r us
maybe he is just taking his time to settle in?


Most Wanted
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2005
Cypress, CA
sqratch said:
Hello everybody,

I recently purchased a snakehead (Channa Marulius), i've had him for 3 days now, he's about 4 inches now and is in a tank with my 4 inch Bleheri. Anyways my Bleheri use to be very out going, use to come to the front of the tank to greet me everytime i entered the room, i could hand feed him and he was always out an about. now that i've added the new marulius he's the complete opposite. Doesn't like coming out, hides wit the marulius all day. Does any body know why?

Another thing is that my marulius is also very skittish. When i saw him at the fish store he was fine. Was swimming around and everything but when the guy at the shop was trying to net him i guess he scared the poop outta the SH coz he kinda sucked at netting him. Anyways so now the marulius is also super skittish. He's scared when i'm in the room and if i peek my head into the room he sees me and quickly dashes behind a bush. I've seen him eat a couple times which is pretty sweet.

My question is, how do i make my fish less skittish? And another thing is, if i buy a bag of feeders do you think its safe if i put all the fish into the tank and the SH's will eat when they are hungry, or will they keep eating all the fish until they pop and die. When i feed the marulius now he eats whatever i put into the tank till the point that it looks like his little belly will explode!

Any help would be much appeciated!

Thanks in advance
The process is called osmosis. This process is someone adapting to their environment, and copying their surroundings. I would tease both fish to come out and eat some food. There may also be a territorial dispute, and that "this is my spot and you aint getting it" type of fish attitude. Try some worms, live ones, so they would both come out to eat it instead of ambush. Let us know if they kill each other.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2005
i remeber when i had a piranha, i added another and they had disputes. they guy at the pet shop suggested rearranging the tank, and presenting it as new to both fish. maybe they find their own spot and be happy.

but, please let us know if they kill each other.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2005
Hong Kong
Thanks for the replies,

I don't think its territorial because they like staying together. I'm gonna try rearrange the tank today so there's a little more space behind the bush they usually stay behind. Hopefully all goes well. I walked into the room just now the marulius came out from behind the bush, saw me and backed away back into the bush a little..

On average how long does this 'osmosis' period take?


Most Wanted
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2005
Cypress, CA
There is no time frame for osmosis. This is just an adaption period, even humans use this process when they are in their new surroundings, whether they know it or not. It is just a process, not an illness or some sort. It could also be just a trait of a juvenile fish using it's instinct to protect itself. Let it get used to you by dangling some food for it.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2005
Hong Kong
i'im gonna try starve him for a few days, then give him food.. Dammit i wish i could take some pictures of him. he's sucha pretty, cute little guy. Thanks for the advice Vince


Most Wanted
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2005
Cypress, CA
I'm sure that marulius is purty, but I am much more attracted to your rainbow. Wish I can have about five of them to put in my 125 gallon. They seem so alert and eager to catch their prey. That video was awesome. Seems like the perfect fsh I have been looking for. But in the U.S., we can just fantasized about those exotic, and fascinating fish. What do I do? Should I become a "criminal" just to obtain those terrific and fascinating rainbows? Keep us posted...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 11, 2005
Vince said:
I'm sure that marulius is purty, but I am much more attracted to your rainbow. Wish I can have about five of them to put in my 125 gallon. They seem so alert and eager to catch their prey. That video was awesome. Seems like the perfect fsh I have been looking for. But in the U.S., we can just fantasized about those exotic, and fascinating fish. What do I do? Should I become a "criminal" just to obtain those terrific and fascinating rainbows? Keep us posted...
you can open a mini aquarium for kids perhaps.....keeping sh for educational purposes does not seem to b illegal :) There, i saved you!
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