Smaller pima in 4500 gal, ~16"-18"


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I bought my first two arapaima this summer at ~5"-6", $225 each and housed them together first in a 240 gal. They were easy and started taking cut fish readily after a couple of days or so. One also took to catfish pellets. They were jumpy though and afraid of me.

After a month or so I noted the one taking pellets and fish grew 2x faster than the other one. After another month or two, it was ~16"-18" while the one that refused pellets was only ~8"-10". They always kept together through his time (still were skittish) and I thought that the smaller one needed the bigger one for comfort. But the bigger one now would hog almost all food and I decided to separate them.

The bigger one went into one 4500 gal and at 2.5'-3' into another 4500 gal. The smaller one stayed a couple of months in the original 240 gal where, surprisingly, it became less skittish with the bigger pima gone, and where it grew to ~14"-16" taking whole bait fish greedily and refusing pellets ~99% of the time.

The smaller pima then graduated into the first 4500 gal (the bigger one had already moved on by then) where it quickly learned to like pellets with gusto because fish was offered only twice a week.

The bigger one has light-colored spots around the rear end while the smaller one's rear is colored solid black. IDK what this means. Does anyone know?

Sadly, both of them are developing a dropped eye on the left hand side. IDK why either. Perhaps it is irrelevant but none of silver arowanas I've ever raised myself have ever had DE.

Here is the smaller pima at ~16"-18" in 4500 gal, a shameless beggar:



Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
You're too kind and you got a good eye. I am standing here today staring at it and thinking "Ken's right. This fish looks like it has broken 2'!" :)

I've overestimated my fish so many times before and still do that I'm putting in an effort to be more conservative (modest) than generous (boastful).


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2009
It's not boasting. You got the video and pictures to prove it!
It's an open forum and sharing is a good thing. There are some bad advice given but sharing allows the ones observing to draw their own conclusion. Pics and vids are invaluable.
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Same fish. Shot same day as the first video. Just another example of Master beggar extraordinare: What are you looking at? Can't you see I am hungry and wanting?

(As a side note, I am starting to think this one is a male and the 2x bigger one in the other 4500 gal is a female based on their growth and behavior.)

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Senior Curator
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
how big do they get in captivity? super cool fish :)
Public Aquaria house 8'-9'-ers. TLkm's pair was 7' in 13,000 gal pond.

They reach 6' in 2 years easy with proper care.