stable unstable


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Strong argument T1 but what about the other day at the store when I came very close to buying an indo that had a split bar on one side of it's body.I t was hiding inside of a length of cut PVC piping and I could just make out the split bar on it's side but I couldn't see it's other side.I was hoping I'd found my Holy Grail of indos,split bar on both sides.I asked the attendant to remove the pipe and expose the dat so I could see the other side of the body and that's when all Hell broke loose.The other dats started darting about as soon as she placed her hand in the tank and once the dat came out of the pipe,not only could I not see it's other side,I could no longer make out the split bar because it had almost immediately gone unstable and lost it's coloring.It then darted into the group of dats that were cowering in the corner and I couldn't tell any of them apart after that due to their camouflage.The attendant attempted to follow the dat and net it out but she lost track of it as the tank has a black bottom and all of the dats blended into the darkness.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 11, 2009
Ontario Canada
great read here guys... here's my experience

got my NGT at 4-5" and he was always stable. after about 3 months in my tank and getting really fattened up and spoiled he turned unstable. meanwhile, he had his own territory w/cave and was happy as could be. He's now 10" and is now mostly unstable (after a few years in my tank). usually see him go stable when the tank lights are off and there is a bit of ambient light. also goes stable sometimes when begging for food.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 7, 2010
Ontario ca
T1KARMANN;4828809; said:
i done a test the other day i staved the tank for 2 days and all tigers were stable and swimming up the front of the tank glass begging for food as soon as they got the food they all turned unstable again and went back to hiding in the corners
LOL my dats do that!


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
So that's what I'm talking about after a few months the tiger should be happy and turn stable but in most cases they are stable when they go into the tank as they are stressed and stable then after a few months once they have settled in and they should be happy they turn unstable

So which is it happy = stable or unstable

I know people think I'm mad for thinking this but I have seam it many times before and even now with a IT that came drone Ade unstable when he had it I took it home and it was stable all the time for 3 months now it's settled in it's unstable all the time


Ole Dawg
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2006
Very much south..
All my 4 IT's are stable. But they live wit a pack of CA cichlids and really have to fight for their food....

Can this mean that Richard's theory is right?

Joao M

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2010
This thread is getting more and more interesting.

And it seems the testimonials are backing up T1karmann´s theory (I would not not say stable is "stressed" but, at least, "excited" - v.g. begging for food)

But there is an ultimate test that could be carried out, regarding one thing I believe is of the utmost importance: camouflage.

I bet if someone had a tank with a black/gold striped background the dats would be stable all the time to blend in.

I am trying something like that with a background of vallisnerias, but they aren´t big enough yet. Except in one corner where they cover most of it anf IT LOOKS TO ME (may be my eyes tricking me, but) that when they´re in that area for some time (not just passing through in a hurry), they display the colours.

As I mentioned before I have one dat that is stable 80-90% of the time. And he lives (his hideout is) in that area of the tank. Coincidence maybe ?

Here is a pic of that part of the tank.
The dat that I´m talking about is behind that stone just looking at us. You can see him stable and the rest unstable

And another pic of the same dat

Is he usually more stressed than the others? Or since he "lives" in that area of the tank, is he usually stable to blend in?

food for thoughts


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 30, 2008
Rhode Island
This is the type of thread that can go back and fourth forever.....Someone needs to get film footage of these guys in the wild threw all seasons of weather all year long in different conditions to truly find out what goes on. Now this would be a interesting study. Even some footage of them breeding would be friggin great since its something no one knows what they do or where they breed. Everything is just a guessing game when it comes to truly finding answers.


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
When people have tanks full of IT and one or 2 are stable and the rest unstable why is this the case they are all in the same tank conditions so surely they should all be stable or unstable

It could be the stable one is stressed and the others are happy the stable one maybe showing submissive color

It's also the food thing I have noticed the most if you don't feed the tigers for a few days they will all be up the front glass begging for food and stable try it and see the tigers can't be happy if hungry so should all be unstable

I have no firm proof of what I have seen and I maybe totally wrong

It's just if you provide perfect water condition and you have one stable IT then surely they should all be stable

I have noticed that a lot more small tigers below 5inch are stable this could be because they are scared of getting eatern once they get past 7inch they turn unstable as they do feel as much threat so feel happy and turn unstable


MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
BC, Canada
I've noticed similar findings-my Tigers are more stable when they haven't been fed for a while and are more active. As soon as they've fed they go dark/black, find a corner and don't move from there-its just bizarre.

The only other times I see them REALLY stable? When I've caught them in a net and the first day I put them in the tank :screwy:

They are without question the most frustrating fish I've ever kept but this is part of the fascination with them-you'll just never work them out. How I wish they had the mentality of a Goldfish and the growth rate of an Oscar...