Stingray Export Ban cancellation


MFK Member
Feb 17, 2006
Troy, MI
T1KARMANN;1711153; said:
do you guy really think their will be a price drop even if the ban is lifted

the days of cheap black rays are gone spend your money or dont have black rays its as simple as that

I think you are right on this one. Unless the ban is lifted completely, I doubt we will see any drop in prices. A limited release of rays may even cause a price increase while buyers compete to be the ones to get the rays. Barring a unlimited complete release of the ban, or a major increase in breeding, I don't see it likely that prices will come down.

And seeing that Brazil is banning more fish, I don't see it likely that they will lift the ban on rays. I could be wrong, and it would be nice to see them coming in again, but I'm not holding my breath.

Amazon Stingrays


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2005
South Texas
All the ray breeders seem pretty confident the ray prices are not coming down.


MFK Member
Aug 9, 2007
New Orleans LA
All I know is if I was heavily invested into something and the prices dropped, I would buy as much as possible to leverage cost. Especially if it were to be a limited quota it would mean a small number of people could potentially buy out the total supply, or begin bidding for them as Pat said which would drive up the price for new blood among the breeders.


MFK Member
Feb 17, 2006
Troy, MI
I'd love to see prices come down from a hobbyist's standpoint. I just don't know if it will happen.

As a breeder, high cost is good (for us), as it makes profiting more likely. There is a fine line, however. Too high of cost eliminates potential customers and limits the hobby. Too low a cost makes profiting impossible. The only way to be sure to get prices low and keep them there is for large scale breeding operations to succeed.

Certain costs in breeding rays are unavoidable...... one must consider recurring costs such as food, electricity, water, filter pad, etc. Water and electricity costs are pretty much set....once you have designed the most efficient filter system to minimize water and electricity usage, you can't cut any more corners.

Food and filter material costs can be minimized as quantity purchased increases. For instance, a small breeder buying 50 lbs of smelt at a time will pay more (per lb) for the smelt than a larger breeder buying 5000 lbs at a time.

To give you an idea, I'm a small breeder running systems for breeding motoros. It costs about $265 a month to pay water, electric, and feed for one of my systems that contains 4 breeding females and 2 males. This does not include initial start up costs such as tank, pumps, plumbing, stand, building to house the systems, etc. So, my minimum yearly operating expense for a year on ONE system is $265/month x 12 months or $3180 per year. At $150 per pup, One must sell 22 per year BEFORE you've covered the year's operating expenses for that system. Then a business still must cover all other associated expenses such as buidling cost/rent, equipment/tanks, advertising, etc.

If breeders are able to successfully produce large numbers of healthy pups, eventually you will see prices come down. I believe we are several years away from this happening, as even the larger breeders, like Frank, Mike, and others, are still building their breeding stock. The stingray breeding business is in its infancy, but I think we are on the right track.

Amazon Stingrays


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 8, 2005
outside philly
T1KARMANN;1711153; said:
do you guy really think their will be a price drop even if the ban is lifted

the days of cheap black rays are gone spend your money or dont have black rays its as simple as that


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 27, 2006
a friend send me the new Ibama Document with the Quotas, I´m pretty sure they will come some soon :) for example 5000Leopoldis and 1000 henlei, 6000 hystrix and 5200 Motoros(schroederi and orbignyi are also listed)
. P14 and Pearls ain´t listed, but I think they will export some too.

P.s.edited cause of un-houmorus people. I´m happy that there will be some WC ones, especially to enlarge the small stock of Henleis in Germany(nearly all are relative).

DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Quit hogging and pass to your left............