Sump question - GPH


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2018
Hiw many overflows are kn the tank ? Can you post pics ?
Im building it soon i dont have pic right now. I base the plumbing around a video on YouTube from Joey. For freshwater not salt tho. Already have my pump (Jecod DC-7000). I was planning 1 inch pipes... But now, i think ill go 1.25 just to make sure i have enough flow. Internal weir, all pipes behind it.
I will be pretty much impossible to clogg behind a weir + durso... So one the emergency drain is pletty enough. In case one of the 2 drains clogg..


Internal weir, all pipes behind it.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2018
So the plans for now :

2x 1.25" drain pipe. One durso (for noise purpose) and one stand pipe below water level, maybe like 3 inch underwater (both control with ball valve too adjust flow and noise)

1x 1" emergency drain stand pipe

1x 1" drain for water changes

1x 1" return pipe ( 2200 max GPH, average pressure right ?) Anyway my pump will be pushing around 1700 GPH (with the height loss), so no problem there.Plumbing.jpg Plumbing2.png Weir.png


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Im not knocking joey but your better off forgetting what you saw in those vids. The members here are great with sumps and drain methods.

I dont understand the purpose of a durso and a full siphon stand pipe. The full siphon stand pipe is completely silent. If it were me and i wanted to be at 1700gph and i only had one wier/overflow i would just go with 1x 1.5 inch and a couple of 1.5 inch E drains just for piece of mind.

With your current plan that E darain will not handle the flow.
Just my thoughts...good luck with the build.


Retired MFK Admin
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2008
O Ofonléon If you have the room, run your plumbing in 1.5". It's much harder to create more flow down the road than it is to valve back a line. It's a hindsight situation that is easy to avoid. Larger tanks should have larger plumbing. The very first thing I do when I get a used tank with 1" holes is drill them out larger for proper plumbing.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2018
O Ofonléon If you have the room, run your plumbing in 1.5". Its much harder to create more flow down the road than it is to valve back a line. It's a hindsight situation that is easy to avoid. Larger tanks should have larger plumbing. The very first thing I do when I get a used tank with 1" holes is drill them out larger for proper plumbing.
Thx, might go 1,5 then!


MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Since you haven't built it yet, let me ask...
what kind of fish are you planning to keep?
I always judge the amount of flow by species.
Although 5 turn overs is standard for your basic community, some species can do with less, some need more.
If they are oxbox type species like angels, discus, or some anabantiods, slower is sufficient.
If the species you want to keep are riverine or even rheophillic 5 times per hour may be lacking, species like Retroculous, Rheoheros, Chuco etc.

Will there be plants, if you need lots of flow, plant leaves can easily break off a plug 1" + drains in a very short time.
I use 1.5" to 2" drain just in case.
An example, of a bad scenario, which could lead to the tank overflowing with drains that easily plug up. If I hadn't been there in a few moments, well....



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2018
Im not knocking joey but your better off forgetting what you saw in those vids. The members here are great with sumps and drain methods.

I dont understand the purpose of a durso and a full siphon stand pipe. The full siphon stand pipe is completely silent. If it were me and i wanted to be at 1700gph and i only had one wier/overflow i would just go with 1x 1.5 inch and a couple of 1.5 inch E drains just for piece of mind.

With your current plan that E darain will not handle the flow.
Just my thoughts...good luck with the build.
The durso is only for the noise. Because a stand pipe is super noisy. And as for the E drain, if ever the stand pipe get clogg, the durso wont... So the emergency 1", plus the durso (1.25") is plenty enough for the flow.. If i understand correctly. But thx alot for your answers! I will be doing the plumbing maybe in may, so plenty of time to think this true.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2018
Since you haven't built it yet, let me ask...
what kind of fish are you planning to keep?
I always judge the amount of flow by species.
Although 5 turn overs is standard for your basic community, some species can do with less, some need more.
If they are oxbox type species like angels, discus, or some anabantiods, slower is sufficient.
If the species you want to keep are riverine or even rheophillic 5 times per hour may be lacking, species like Retroculous, Rheoheros, Chuco etc.

Will there be plants, if you need lots of flow, plant leaves can easily break off a plug 1" + drains in a very short time.
I use 1.5" to 2" drain just in case.
An example, of a bad scenario, which could lead to the tank overflowing with drains that easily plug up. If I hadn't been there in a few moments, well....

Stocking is :
6x Silver dollar
3x severums
1x green terror
2 firemouths
1x red head

I have all the fish, some in grow out tanks some large in a 90g (that is the tank i will be upgrading)

As for plants, i have big swords that i might transfer in the 225g, but i might go plastic. Fish leave them alone for now, but maybe not later on. But dont forget, im putting the pipes behind a weir... Less likely to clogg pipes..


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
The durso is only for the noise. Because a stand pipe is super noisy. And as for the E drain, if ever the stand pipe get clogg, the durso wont... So the emergency 1", plus the durso (1.25") is plenty enough for the flow.. If i understand correctly. But thx alot for your answers! I will be doing the plumbing maybe in may, so plenty of time to think this true.
I dont know where you read that. The stand pipe is just the pipe on the overflow so essentially both durso and the siphon are stand pipes.

This stuff can be confusing

The siphon line will be silent. Much more quieter than a durso and it will move more water. In your set up the durso isnt needed. The e drain is a gravity fed line (non siphon) this is the most important part of the planning because with out it there is not safety factor. 1 inches wont handle 1700 gph


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2018
I dont know where you read that. The stand pipe is just the pipe on the overflow so essentially both durso and the siphon are stand pipes.

This stuff can be confusing

The siphon line will be silent. Much more quieter than a durso and it will move more water. In your set up the durso isnt needed. The e drain is a gravity fed line (non siphon) this is the most important part of the planning because with out it there is not safety factor. 1 inches wont handle 1700 gph
I know you mifht not like what Joey did on his plumbing, but i find it the better for what i want. Would you care to go watch is short vid about thw plumbing of his 375 g and tell me what you think. One stand pipe is noisy as hell. Ive check alot on youtube video on that. Its prttyp bad. People put everything in there to make the noise less (airline tubing, weird casind around it, etc.) What joey did is super silent. The tank will be in basemwnt where kid play and we listen movies and such..