Thinking about leaving the hobby?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 9, 2006
new jersey
Gr8KarmaSF;1729423; said:
Glad you cleared up your post. Its always a fine line between nursing your fish back to health and ending its suffering.
I might post some pics of them in the ray forum it's sad watching rays slowly die. Another "PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK ON THIS RAY THREAD"


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 14, 2008
A, A
Oddball;1729413; said:
I've felt the same way many times in the 40+ years I've been in this hobby. But, I've found myself to be missing the tanks more than I ever felt frustrated by them. It's natural to feel resentment towards the fish for having the audacity to up and die on you. Just recognize that this type of hobby includes risks no matter how well you believe you've prepared for them. Hell, if it was really easy it probably wouldn't be as enjoyable. And, if we really wanted success guaranties, we'd be collecting coins and stamps instead of keeping living creatures.
Very well said.

I know how frustrating everything can get. Not just with fish but also with other pets. There are many times I break down crying and I feel so fed up. I wanna call animal control to just come get all my dogs, cats, and fish lol.
I never do it though and i don't think I could. It's just that sometimes we all feel that way and wanna give up. Take a bit of a break, go do something fun for yourself. Away from the house or whatever. If you trust a friend to like take care of your fish for a day or two...
You will come back again. You just need a bit of a break thats all. :)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2008
Sorry you are feeling this way....but look on to what you have accomplished with this hobby. I am very new to this hobby so I don't have the time, devotion and $$ that you do in it. But I would have to say is regroup what you need to do. If it is to put a sickly fish down that has no hope, well better than if it suffers. On another note, if you spent money on a fish, wouldn't you have the ability to return the fish or was it through and online purchase?
Once you find that one reputable source of great fish you will bounce back. Hang in there!!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2008
whenever i get frusterated i always pick up a small hobby for a few months and take all of my fish thoughts away and then interest always sparks back into something new with my fish


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 22, 2007
Hull/London, UK
I tell you what just over a year ago i had my marine tank crash on me and boy did i lose a lot of stock, it wasn't so much the money aspect of it but the time and effort i had taken in raising MY fish. I thought about giving up there and then, but instead i went to FW and put SW on the line until i had more time and money and space for it.
I'm currently at Uni and haven't been with my tank for more than 2 weeks over the last 8 months and boy do i miss it (hell i've even set up a tiny 5 gal at uni to satisfy my craving but it's not the same), i worry daily about how my fish are and so on, and i can't wait to get my tank back in a few months time.
I guess what i'm trying to say is you'll miss it if you leave it behind, stick to it, and it's well worth it 99.9% of the time


MFK Member
Feb 25, 2007
I left the hobby for about 8 years. It seemed no matter how hard I tried or what I acomplished it was never good enough. There was always this feeling like I wasn't satisfied. I found myself keeping fish for the sake of keeping them and not really enjoying them. After I got back into it I had a new perspective. I kept things simple and started to raise fish out of enjoyment and the love and curiosity of watching something grow and flourish. I still make mistakes, and still try to get better but I always take the time to enjoy these animals and apreciate them. Hope things brighten up for you.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 10, 2007
well if you do decide, to call it quits, for a while, i will certainly hope you come back to the site when up and running again.

I felt the same way a year ago, and i decided to go into saltwater. I felt that maybe the change in pace would help get me back into the hobby. I took the challange and now im working on the tank all the time. Thats a good thing IMO, keeping it clean, feeding and breeding fish, making frags of your coral and what not. Just fun and it kept me going. Maybe all you need is something different.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 9, 2006
new jersey
smoochxoxo;1729680; said:
On another note, if you spent money on a fish, wouldn't you have the ability to return the fish or was it through and online purchase?
Once you find that one reputable source of great fish you will bounce back. Hang in there!!!
there's a long twisted tale behind that...I'm not going anywhere I was just venting earlier. I am thinking of thinning out the small stock that i have left to concentrate more on rays