Ummm.... I think my Oscars just spawned


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Hi, this is my first post here but I'm both a reasonably experienced aquarist and very experienced forum poster, so I think I know what to expect.

Recently we rescued 3 Oscars full-grown from the local LFS who had come from various places but been in the same tank a long time. We took them home to go in our 150 which was currently only holding a red tail Cat which is somewhere between 12-18". They're getting along great w/the cat and the few smaller fish in there (one feeder goldie no one ate, one Convict cichlid, one yo yo loach, 2 smaller plecos) ... plus with the 60-gal sump I'm at about 200 gal of water.

Well today I came home to see this...


oh dear that's tiny. uh, well, he or she looks like guarding a nice nest of eggs. The larger partner, a regular Red Oscar (not albino) also seems to be guarding and keeping #3 Oscar away from the nest.

I REALLY did not expect them to spawn... guess they like the tank & their tank mates, water quality, etc and diet really well!!! (we feed them human-grade fillets thawed and chopped up from Safeway, or shell-on raw shrimp most of the time with occasional feeder treats).

SO .... uh, help??? how long till they hatch and what care and feeding to the fry need???

I am an experienced betta breeder so quite used to hatching out BBS and VERY VERY TINY fry foods.... I have itty bitty cichlid pellets.... will these do??

Super happy babies may be coming (if they're fertilized? is there a way to tell?? other than behavior?) but just want to know what to do to help them reach 3-4" size to trade to my LFS!
(if they don't eat them all first I guess!)

Looks like about 100 eggs -ish so that's small for an Oscar spawn - I THINK - but have read very little.

We've only had them about 2 months.
Waterchanging right now to make sure everything's nice and pristine for them...
I also keep a freshwater "refugium" sump with both bioballs, sponge filters and mucho live plants, with livebearers to help provide healthier feeders here & there :)

LMK what you think.... happy to be here... advice is welcome, flaming is not :) we wanted to help these 3 fish have happier lives and LOVE baby Oscars -- they're terribly cute!!!

Just didn't know we were adopting 100+ of them! haha!!!



MFK Member
Feb 29, 2012
New jersey
My albino Oscar just died today from being eaten by my turtles because he died from my bio load being full and now I have to fix it but he or she was 3.5" or 2.5" and I really want another one so if you can please notify back if you have any idea if you would ship two of the babies when they are done spawning I'll pay but not too much just tell me a price and I'll see unless they aren't for sale

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Slippery K

MFK Member
Dec 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Hey welcome to the fourms, sorry I dont have any info about your question, but best of luck to you and your oscars.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oh very sad when the Oscars die!! we have lost a couple before too.... filter breakdown & illness or - the most recent was about 4" and I thought THOUGHT THOUGHT he was big enough to put in with the red tail.... but I think... uh he got eaten.

SURE if I have any survivors would be happy to ship. Keep in touch with me and I wouldn't charge much if anything but shipping, and I'll need to figure out if they need a heat pack etc.

Wish me luck!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
...I shined a bright halogen light in there just now and I'm a touch concerned some of the eggs may have fungus or some sort of fuzzy on them .... I don't have enough anti-fungal to treat 200 gal!!! so... hoping that's not it ...

AND that if they've paired once & this doesn't go so well, that they'll spawn again.

I may have heard remove the eggs & hatch elsewhere.... I'll go figure out some more internet research.

Gage @ Aquarium Concepts in Dublin CA told me to come here :)
but.... I haven't got on yet till now when I have a question!!! :)



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
...I shined a bright halogen light in there just now and I'm a touch concerned some of the eggs may have fungus or some sort of fuzzy on them .... I don't have enough anti-fungal to treat 200 gal!!! so... hoping that's not it ...

AND that if they've paired once & this doesn't go so well, that they'll spawn again.

I may have heard remove the eggs & hatch elsewhere.... I'll go figure out some more internet research.

Gage @ Aquarium Concepts in Dublin CA told me to come here :)
but.... I haven't got on yet till now when I have a question!!! :)


PS this article looks good.... enough...

Mike King

MFK Member
Mar 19, 2011
Fungus on the eggs means they are not fertile.. nothing you can do to prevent it.