(DOA) Tiger


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2011
From Peru to Huston tx it was delay than to Washington dc the tiger got
In late, the front desk at custume was close i had to wait until the next day to
Get it. The tiger was in the bag for over 48 hours. open up the box and found the tiger
Belly up the water was a yellow color it was to late she was gone :swear::swear:: I'm so ****in piss. I will
Post pictures of my dead tiger later when i have time I shouldn't post pics because I know it will upset peoples on
Mfk I just want people to be aware on shipping and delay. I'm disappointed that such a beauty is wasted. Most part I blame myself I waited so long to ship her she was cought 5-6 weeks ago I should have her ship the first week she was cought but I was still waiting for the guy to catch the second tiger because
I wanted 2 and ship them at the same time. Well the guy never could catch the second one. I look over her dead body. She kinda skinny but that normal for fresh wc rays.
I just think the flight from Peru and the delay took it toll on her.
I will post pics later.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 3, 2010
New Hampshire
Man that's rough, sorry to hear, wonder what actually killed it? Temperature low o2 ammonia? I wanted a tiger so bad before I got my hen.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2011
Man that's rough, sorry to hear, wonder what actually killed it? Temperature low o2 ammonia? I wanted a tiger so bad before I got my hen.
I can't figure it out. The guy in Peru claim he put in 100 hours worth of air in the bag for my tiger.
The box she was in measure around three feet by two she had plenty
Room and water. I'm pretty sure they flush her gut out before shipping her. The was alittle cold when she came in u know those people at the airport and custome don't give a dame about what in the box they might have lift the box sitting out side for hour before putting it on the next flight. Wait until u see the pics. It make me mad each time I see my dead ray.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2012
Basement of Rays
yes customs does not care you have to complain to fish and wildlife asap they will help with you and the next guy or get yourself a broker i know it sounds dumb for one ray but this would not have happened if there was a broker involved . Im so sorry about this I hope the seller will help you out again real soon


MFK Member
Mar 27, 2006
South of Heaven
You're getting a fw ray ship from Peru all the way to houston ? Why not go to transhipper first ? Besides, I'm surprised custom let the package go through to houston.

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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2011
You're getting a fw ray ship from Peru all the way to houston ? Why not go to transhipper first ? Besides, I'm surprised custom let the package go through to houston.

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I know i shoud have had it sent to Florida to a transhiper so they can re bag it and prep up the water.
No more direct flight for me in the future for sure. The reason it went to Huston because it was closer from Peru.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2011
How big was she ? I lost a 23" Leo in 6 hrs of transit. She was in a poly container that is 40"x30" foot print

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Almost 10" her tail was long they double bag her she was in styro box they put newspapers all around the bag to keep the bag from moving. No heat pad was it there because in Peru it hot and the guy thought the flight was going to be quick and smooth.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2012
Basement of Rays
First off heat packs should have been put in for at least 72 hour duration in case of over night. Second don't want to be hard on you but freshwater rays are illegal to own in Texas. Third I would deff ask for my money back not order anymore rays from over seas get from usa but your lucky you didn't get in trouble count your blessings.

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