Table Salt OK For Marine Aquarium?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
1st off, i know almost nothing about keeping saltwater fish and never have had a saltwater aquarium
This was less than two weeks ago, and let me say, I'm blown away. In that time you've learned so much that you can tell experienced keepers what they're doing wrong, shortcuts they should be taking, and can use a single thread from another forum as absolute proof of the success that can and will be had with home made salt mix. What's your secret bro?

Truth time - the financial benefits of home made salt are dubious for individuals, particularly if you're going to bargain hunt, and non existent for commercial locations and public institutions as the price of salt mixes drop to damn near free. The risks, on the other hand, are ever present and well documented. Those that do have success are extremely experienced.

Moral of the story - if you don't know why you shouldn't use table/home made salt, it's because you shouldn't!!


MFK Member
Mar 3, 2010
This was less than two weeks ago, and let me say, I'm blown away. In that time you've learned so much that you can tell experienced keepers what they're doing wrong, shortcuts they should be taking, and can use a single thread from another forum as absolute proof of the success that can and will be had with home made salt mix. What's your secret bro?
wow, thanks!
first, let me clarify, again, that i'm not telling anyone what to do. "you can do whatever you feel comfortable doing. i'm just sharing the information that i found."

second, i linked four threads already, not just one. also, if you're familiar with google you'll be able to find more examples yourself if you so desire.

so, what is my secret? i guess i don't have any biases, preconceived notions, or old habits to justify.

Truth time - the financial benefits of home made salt are dubious for individuals, particularly if you're going to bargain hunt, and non existent for commercial locations and public institutions as the price of salt mixes drop to damn near free. The risks, on the other hand, are ever present and well documented. Those that do have success are extremely experienced.
i say let people decide for themselves what is dubious and what isn't. there are, without a doubt, savings in making your own salt. circumstance will determine how much you save.

Moral of the story - if you don't know why you shouldn't use table/home made salt, it's because you shouldn't!!
so let me get this straight: i shouldn't make my own salt mix because... i shouldn't? thanks for clearing it up for eveyone, you contributions to this thread have been substantial!

i've noticed that some people here have no problem having a normal courteous discussion (asking/answering question and stating their opinions and observations) while others just want to flame and bash. why did you feel the need to come at me with hostility and sarcasm? what did i do to you to get your panties so tightly bunched?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2009
Someone should close this thread... Scatman, stop replying to this please, the vast majority of reef keepers are indoctrinated buy the companies that sell them products, and even more so by the older generations using out dated and sometimes outright wrong processes, they will take a long time to change, and will require people of much greater fame to convince them otherwise.

If you want to get information on contraversial topics you have to reasearch it yourself as I found out long ago, because on forums, people will always attack you for trying something "new". I also recomend trying to find articels by people with actual degrees and science behind what they claim otherwise its just smoke and mirrors like everything else they are trying to "sell" you. For example, I've found articles saying that Iodine is nessisary for invert molting, this is not the case, if you look up scholarly articels with reference to invert molting, you will find NO mention of Iodine in upwards of 20000 articles, it infact is toxic, and frequent molting by inverts exposed to it, is the result of attempting to remove poisons from their bodys. Another example, "Strontium is nessisary for coral growth" another phalacy, infact strontium has been shown to slow growth, the reason it is claimed nessisary? Because there is strontium presant in the coral skeletons... but wait... we have super small traces of urainium in our skeletons... that must mean we need uranium in our diets right? WRONG, it ends up in our bones because thats all our bodies can figure out what to do with the toxin, they hide it away in the skeleton. Or here is the biggest myth you will ever hear, that Live rock is THE best place for benifital bacteria. WRONG, the sand bed is, no matter how porus the stone is, a sand bed will have infinitly more surface area for BB, as 1 cubic foot of sand can have as much or more surface aread as a football field... WOW thats a lot of space for bacteria... put it even more simply... how are BB supposed to survive when your rock is completley covered with coraline algea? A hard algea... that would block most if not all water flow through... that would cut down quite a bit on the BB able to grow in the rocks wouldn't it?

Suffice to say, I have spent countless hours sifting though hundreds and thousands of web pages to filter out the good information from the "standard" information... sometimes yes, the "standard practice" is the best option, but more often then not I haven't found this to be the case, there is almost always a better, yes sometimes harder, but better way to do things.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
Your secret is that you admittedly have no experience. You can stop playing the victim here bud, you started in with your snippy know it all tone within your first three posts, and have turned from asking why you can't use table salt (a question you recieved several upon several reasonable responses to) to extolling the virtues of something you have no experience with. Whether it was your intention to troll from the get go or you're just so deluded that you just know you're right regardless of reality, the fact remains the same the you're wrong. End of story.

And Kevin, I agree, the thread should be closed, but for a completely different reason. The OP is committed to saying everyone else is wrong through out of context references and is obviously a pedantic child looking to get a rise out of people, and then you pop up and scold everyone for attacking him for 'trying something new'. I have an idea - if you're such a visionary, why don't you explain on coherent, cogent conclusion that you've come to in your countless hours of scholarly sifting rather than listing off things that you have issue with. I guess you couldn't be bothered to actually contribute.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
i've noticed that some people here have no problem having a normal courteous discussion (asking/answering question and stating their opinions and observations) while others just want to flame and bash. why did you feel the need to come at me with hostility and sarcasm? what did i do to you to get your panties so tightly bunched?
Here's a prime example of how little pukes like you behave. Ask a stupid question, and approach every reasonable answer with all the inconsolable doubt of a child being told the sun is in fact bigger than the Earth. Then when people react with a reasonable dose of frustration at your behavior, you stomp your foot and demand that people stop being mean to you while laying on your own childish insults. How old are you? 13? 14? If it's more than fifteen, let me just apologize to you, in all sincerity for whatever brought your psychological an emotional development to a screeching halt and turned you into the self absorbed, argumentative crybaby that's wasting everyone's time today. Be gone troll... I'm done with you.


MFK Member
Sep 15, 2009
Regardless of intentions your coning across as being a troll. be a pain in the rear.

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2009
I have an idea - if you're such a visionary, why don't you explain on coherent, cogent conclusion that you've come to in your countless hours of scholarly sifting rather than listing off things that you have issue with. I guess you couldn't be bothered to actually contribute.
Firstly I already stated my opinion weeks ago with regaurds to the topic. I was partway through writing a dignified responce to your attack on my most recent comment... then I remembered that I didn't care. I posted it for the benifit of the OP not someone who clearly has nothing better to do then flame. But you know what? If you don't like the way he responds to you... Then stop posting and stop reading it... it's as easy as that... would you stand around getting your face slapped if all it took to stop it was to walk away? No... so excuse me if I don't find my opinion of you any higher then your apparent opinion of the OP.


MFK Member
Apr 25, 2009
Someone should close this thread... Scatman, stop replying to this please, the vast majority of reef keepers are indoctrinated buy the companies that sell them products, and even more so by the older generations using out dated and sometimes outright wrong processes, they will take a long time to change, and will require people of much greater fame to convince them otherwise.

If you want to get information on contraversial topics you have to reasearch it yourself as I found out long ago, because on forums, people will always attack you for trying something "new". I also recomend trying to find articels by people with actual degrees and science behind what they claim otherwise its just smoke and mirrors like everything else they are trying to "sell" you. For example, I've found articles saying that Iodine is nessisary for invert molting, this is not the case, if you look up scholarly articels with reference to invert molting, you will find NO mention of Iodine in upwards of 20000 articles, it infact is toxic, and frequent molting by inverts exposed to it, is the result of attempting to remove poisons from their bodys. Another example, "Strontium is nessisary for coral growth" another phalacy, infact strontium has been shown to slow growth, the reason it is claimed nessisary? Because there is strontium presant in the coral skeletons... but wait... we have super small traces of urainium in our skeletons... that must mean we need uranium in our diets right? WRONG, it ends up in our bones because thats all our bodies can figure out what to do with the toxin, they hide it away in the skeleton. Or here is the biggest myth you will ever hear, that Live rock is THE best place for benifital bacteria. WRONG, the sand bed is, no matter how porus the stone is, a sand bed will have infinitly more surface area for BB, as 1 cubic foot of sand can have as much or more surface aread as a football field... WOW thats a lot of space for bacteria... put it even more simply... how are BB supposed to survive when your rock is completley covered with coraline algea? A hard algea... that would block most if not all water flow through... that would cut down quite a bit on the BB able to grow in the rocks wouldn't it?

Suffice to say, I have spent countless hours sifting though hundreds and thousands of web pages to filter out the good information from the "standard" information... sometimes yes, the "standard practice" is the best option, but more often then not I haven't found this to be the case, there is almost always a better, yes sometimes harder, but better way to do things.
I have to disagree with this one on the grounds of practicality.

While the sand has more surface area, large amounts of it also tend to collect large amounts of detritus that lead to issues later on down the line; it also tends to get compacted thereby leading to a variety of issues. Those reasons are why a moving sand bed filter is preferable to a deep sand bed in most cases as many of the issues associated with a fairly stagnant sand bed are avoided. As for the live rock, one is going to find it next to impossible to get their rock 100% covered in coralline algae; this growth will impede the circulation a little, but there is still space between the individual algae cells.

The rock does have less surface area than the sand, but it makes up for it by not having the tendency to turn into a detritus collector and detritus factory; for the average hobbyist, it's simply more convenient to use more rock than sand for maintenance reasons and such.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
Firstly I already stated my opinion weeks ago with regaurds to the topic. I was partway through writing a dignified responce to your attack on my most recent comment... then I remembered that I didn't care. I posted it for the benifit of the OP not someone who clearly has nothing better to do then flame. But you know what? If you don't like the way he responds to you... Then stop posting and stop reading it... it's as easy as that... would you stand around getting your face slapped if all it took to stop it was to walk away? No... so excuse me if I don't find my opinion of you any higher then your apparent opinion of the OP.
If you didn't care, why did you even bother this poorly written rant? Spell-check is your friend, stop whining, and stop accusing everyone that disagrees with your points (and I'm being generous here by saying that you have a point) of flaming. You didn't outline any real reasons we're all wrong, you just stream of thoughted out a bunch of issues you find with generally accepted husbandry practices and scolded everyone for being frustrated with a clear troll.

Don't blame me for your inability to express yourself in a manner that would befit someone beyond the age of 8.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 14, 2011
Fond du lac, Wisconsin
Lul nerd rage

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