Yellow Round Cortez Ray $29


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 1, 2008
Morris, IL.
thats pretty cheap although they arent sure what they have by their name, there are yellow spotted, cortez, and california round ray, true cortez rays are darker, google them


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
I wouldn't buy from someone who can't get the name right. Like my man Dean said, they listed three types of ray in that name without telling you which they have for sale. Granted, those three are VERY similar in care and biology.... to me if you can't get the name right, how do I know you can collect it, hold it and ship it right?


MFK Member
Apr 5, 2009
New York
Hey zoodiver, do you know of any trusted marine fish sale, websites? I only order from liveaquaria, as they seem to be the best, however prices can be higher then other sites I come across with...

I figured you would know maybe some sites, but however you probably order large fish like sharks and rays for your aquarium you work at.


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
Lately I've been either collecting on my permit or working directly with other collectors locally who have greater resources than I do.

To be honest, I'm nervous about online buying for high end animals. I prefer to see the animals in person, or go to a reputable source who can show me pics and videos of the animals I'm buying (Like when I got the 3 hounds from Josh - I could see video of them eating prior to buying. Josh also has a strong reputation for having good husbandry for his animals and they are always top notch in health and quality).

Another reason I shy away from online / websites is alot of them are just out collecting for the sake of collection with no regard for the animal, the wild population or the final home of them. I prefer to go to places that can get what I want, and limit the amount of animals caught with no home to go to.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 29, 2009
new york
Thanks for the kind words Matt. I try my best to only sell animals in best health possible and to always handle and ship them as carefully as possible. Pazzoman, If your having trouble finding quality livestock I would be more than happy to help you find what your looking for. I have recently just opened a 3000 sqft. LFS to go along with my shark operation. Feel free to PM me with what your looking for. It also looks like your from the NYC area witch would make shipping quite easy because your close enough to be ground shipping.


MFK Member
Apr 5, 2009
New York

I'm so happy you replied to this thread. Before I posted this up I was thinking of PM you if you ever open up your lfs you were told me thru a pm at one time. I need address of your lfs! I gotta see it!

Think you said something like a cool display shark tank...something like that.

Hey Zoodiver,

Thanks for your reply, makes sense. I've always wanted to go fishing and bring something home and place it in my tank. I've always said that when I get older and invest in a nice large tank and catch native fish (rod and reel) in new york. Pretty sure the bluefish and stripebass can only stay in water under tropical conditions.

Also any upcoming projects at the aquarium? Sorry to hijack this thread lol, but maybe you cownoseray live in new york and head over to turbos lfs.


MFK Member
Jan 19, 2011
Thanks for the kind words Matt. I try my best to only sell animals in best health possible and to always handle and ship them as carefully as possible. Pazzoman, If your having trouble finding quality livestock I would be more than happy to help you find what your looking for. I have recently just opened a 3000 sqft. LFS to go along with my shark operation. Feel free to PM me with what your looking for. It also looks like your from the NYC area witch would make shipping quite easy because your close enough to be ground shipping.
Josh what is your store address ? have you got a setup in MFK marketplace yet ???