Where to Buy bichirs


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
May 15, 2014
Danville Virginia
As the title says ... Need to get some (wild caught) bichirs to replace some that iv previously lost :(.... I am having trouble finding any decent places .. Found one who only sells wc endlis and had no clue what kind of endli it is ... Guy on here recommended a place but only seen they have bv endli and congi... Don't rly wanna go through rehoboth if I can keep from it do to his $$$$ shipping costs ... I'm looking for laps any besides Nigerian .. Ansorgii ... Endli (not a black volta) already have one and dabolas... Any body got any good recommendations for the u.s. ....just seems to by the bichir sells have almost grinded to a hault everything is being sold cb .... Very lame

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MFK Member
Oct 17, 2011
How much is rehoboth charging for shipping?

My two go to places for bichirs have left the business as well. Good thing I've owned the full set at some point.... seriously sad.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
May 15, 2014
Danville Virginia
How much is rehoboth charging for shipping?

My two go to places for bichirs have left the business as well. Good thing I've owned the full set at some point.... seriously sad.
Last time I checked wit him shipping was 75$ considering the other 2 Ppl I went to only charged me 16$ .. I'm not digging the 75$ on top of the couple 100 I'll be spending for the bichirs

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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2012
Last time I checked wit him shipping was 75$ considering the other 2 Ppl I went to only charged me 16$ .. I'm not digging the 75$ on top of the couple 100 I'll be spending for the bichirs

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What kind of shipping is it? I know it sucks to pay this much for bichirs, but for me I think that it shows yourself how much you actually want that bichir. I know that a couple of times I've gone to great lengths to get a certain bichir. It may cost more (especially now-a-days with all the CBs), but if you are really trying to find good quality WC bichirs the prices aren't cheap. Shipping seems costly, but I've learned better be safe then sorry and to always go with the safest method (which almost always costs more) for the bichir and my mental health.


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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
It seems the poly sellers are becoming far and few now a days. But if your getting several from toyin then $75 aint too bad. Plus his stock is supreme. Once you get those bichirs in your tank you will probably be happy they landed safely. Can try aquatic day care and AHA as they seem to have bichirs regularly. They do fedex for about $45 and that's 2 day. Which is a bit risky but bichirs are resilient.

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MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
I personally don't find $75 that much considering how badly you want the fish and that the fish arrives to you safely. I'm currently waiting on a goonch I've been looking for forever, and im paying 200 plus another 80 for airport to airport same day just so it arrived to me safely

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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
May 15, 2014
Danville Virginia
It was 75$ for usps priority mail from toyin...
While I was payin 16$ for priority mail from aqautic daycare
Big difference there same dang shipping ... Just not diggin the 75 for that I could understand if it was for like 1 day guaranteed shipping but it's not it's the 2-3 day just like the 16$ I was payin ........ And in regards to the guy sayin something about aqautic day care ... He my go to guy for bichirs but iv been tryin to reach him through Facebook/ his website/ email/ and calling his store ... But nothin like he dropped off the face of the earth ... Jason is a awesome guy to deal with but can't deal wit him if I can't get ahold I him lol so I'm left searchin for other places

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MFK Moderator
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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
It was 75$ for usps priority mail from toyin...
While I was payin 16$ for priority mail from aqautic daycare
Big difference there same dang shipping ... Just not diggin the 75 for that I could understand if it was for like 1 day guaranteed shipping but it's not it's the 2-3 day just like the 16$ I was payin ........ And in regards to the guy sayin something about aqautic day care ... He my go to guy for bichirs but iv been tryin to reach him through Facebook/ his website/ email/ and calling his store ... But nothin like he dropped off the face of the earth ... Jason is a awesome guy to deal with but can't deal wit him if I can't get ahold I him lol so I'm left searchin for other places

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I discussed this with some one else but not sure who. It was someone in the poly forums. But there was some roof damage to their store (aquatic day care). That maybe one reason why. I did purchase my chaca chaca from them and it was about a month ago. Contact was thru email. Got my wc del, poly po and my chaca by priority for $45 thru them. It's also a location and season thing too I'm sure. $75 is a bit much. Wonder if it'd change if it was like summer, you know. But if ur getting more than one bichir then it maybe worth it. What ever you can afford.

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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Nov 15, 2010
los angeles, ca
What most people don't realize is that 99% of those who sale (resell) wc bichirs got their bichirs from toyin to begin with. He is the main importer of bichirs into the US. $75 will get you SEVERAL bichirs from him airport to airport overnight. His rates are actually very good IMO. Last time I ordered 4 LARGE bichirs for like $80 and I believe i could have ordered more for the same rate. He is the only guy who generally undersizes his fish. Ordered a 16" bichir, received a 20" bichir. If you compare his prices to past prices from other vendors, his prices are CHEAPER than most..... and sometimes wayyyy cheaper.


MFK Member
Apr 29, 2008
Kansas City
Amazing Fish on FB. Ray has some coming in a couple weeks including 24" Ansorgii. I just got 2 24" Nigerian Laps from him. I think he might have a couple of those left. Send him a PM. On here as well. I don't know how frequently he is on MFK.

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