Baltimore Riot?

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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Nov 2, 2014
Whats your guys take on this show thats going on in baltimore right now. Lately the U.S. has been getting a little out of control going into these riots. All of these riot are linked together in one way.. Its always the blacks doing it.. Just like Ferguson. If it were a white male, female, dog or whatever else this wouldve just blown by.. The situation has nothing to do with any of the rioters but they feel the need to get involved because the race card has to be pulled. I feel we're on the verge of a race war here in the U.S. But to everyone in Baltimore, stay safe..


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Just a bunch of oportunists looking to raise hell and cash in on free stuff.


MFK Member
Apr 6, 2015
bristol, pa
Imo the common factor of these riots is police brutality. I do think the riots are completely uncalled for. They are going about getting justice the wrong way. I support police 100%. At the end of the day there is a clear problem with police abusing their powers. The guy in Baltimore had his spine severed while in police custody. Police officers are not above the law and they are not the law. They aren't the jury or judges. There job is to simply enforce laws and maintain peace and order.i was once told there is no such thing as a good cop. A cop can only be considered a good cop if he is exposing lies and corruption within his department.

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MFK Member
Aug 20, 2009
Eugene, Or
Mahahaha, race war. For every looter, 10 black people will get on CNN saying its wrong and destroying their own community...but a race war is coming? the African American community isn't even United. Too funny.

watch in a few weeks....there will be a mostly white riot....over hockey.

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MFK Member
Mar 23, 2013
At the end of the day they are doing what they have Too. You guys all heard about this riot in ferguson and now Baltimore right? Exactly. There has been 90000000 peaceful protests that didn't make news that didn't get attention that didn't do anything because law enforcement and politicians don't give a **** about the people anymore. The government is to far corrupt and the police force is funded by them. Violence is the only way at this point. I do believe Iceland or Greenland just overthrew there government recently using force. Worked for them.

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MFK Member
Mar 23, 2013
I'm pro police myself. I do believe there are a lot of good police. But at the end of the day there is clear cut proof that excessive force has been used and the system fails to get justice 99% of the time if police are involved. In a nutshell even if 90% of Police are great. The system still fails and it needs to be changed.

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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
All I know is that if those fools burn down a fish store I'm gonna go down there and do some rioting of my own.


MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
Imo the common factor of these riots is police brutality. I do think the riots are completely uncalled for. They are going about getting justice the wrong way. I support police 100%. At the end of the day there is a clear problem with police abusing their powers. The guy in Baltimore had his spine severed while in police custody. Police officers are not above the law and they are not the law. They aren't the jury or judges. There job is to simply enforce laws and maintain peace and order.i was once told there is no such thing as a good cop. A cop can only be considered a good cop if he is exposing lies and corruption within his department.

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All you see or hear about is a few bad cops that will always be out there. You never hear about all the thugs and losers out there shooting, stabbing, etc at cops on a daily basis. But thats their job right? I don't care how peaceful or nice someone is, everyone has a breaking point. Cops loose it sometimes just like you and I and everyone else out there. You can only take so much of people out their trying to kill you everyday and disrespect you and sometimes you poke the dog one too many times and guess what? He's going to bite!
How about this? You don't want to get the crap beat out of you or killed by cops DONT DO ILLEGAL STUFF! Don't run away when they tell you to stop. Don't run your mouth! It's very simple folks and its a very sad day to see how many people we have in the US that support crime and thugs like this. Makes me want to move out of the U.S. And that will happen if Hillary becomes president lol

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MFK Member
Apr 6, 2015
bristol, pa
Police in America are completely corrupt as well as the government. I still don't think the answer is violence. The people that are rioting are hoodlums. They are not responsible respectable human beings. For anything to change its going to take unity and numbers. With that said, myself being a white man, I refuse to be united and send behind a group of black people saying cops are beating them because they are black. This isn't a race issue, it's an everybody issue. Until then nothing will change.

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