Advice on my new Cat


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
Lol atleast you can hold more wait Han my wood floors. I worry what anything bigger than a 180 would do.

As far as the nodosus, I am still hopeful if it hadn't seemed to have lost any body mass.
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Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
Update on the Nodosus, unfortunately the cat just passed away moments ago.

Since my Mom passed in September I basically haven't been sleeping much. I sleep 15 minutes here 30 minutes there and usually at my desk chair. And have been more or less watching the cat night and day. He was in the 75 gallon tank to the left of my computer desk so I'm able to see most of what goes on. Unfortunately as I stated the cat never ate nor pooped as far as I can tell. I tried my best to follow the advice I was given and watched often to try and make sure none of the other fish where stressing the Nodosus. Not long ago he swam which he barely did since being moved to the 75 to the top of a Pipe ornament he usually hid in and laid on it. Not long after he died there.

It's made even worse since just two days ago I lost one of my Platinum Scherzeri. I had finally got them both off of frozen and freeze dried and got them eating pellets and was feeling pretty good. Little did I know that the Scherzeri would jump from one 75 to another adjacent one that had a 5 inch female Red Mammon and an 10 inch Unidentified Trachycorystes species? Woodcat? I had heard the splash but when I glanced at the tank I thought it was the Mammon splashing as she does when her and the Unidentified Cat get into a scuffle. Which usually is because the Cat forces the Mammon to the surface with her aggression. The Mammon was indeed at the surface so I assumed it was as I had thought just one of the Cats and her scuffles.

I was wrong though the splash was the Scherzeri jumping. I didn't hear anymore splashes and assume everything was okay. I was on the phone for awhile with Paypal and when I finished I looked at the 75 nearest me and noticed only one Scherzeri looking back at me. Not at all the usual site. Even before becoming pellet trained they both used to hover in the front upper corner nearest me in the 75 either hoping I'd feed them or just watching me out of curiosity. I walked over to the 75 nearest me glanced around and then moved the ornaments to see if the Scherzeri was hiding. I couldn't find him. When I glanced at the other 75 I saw the Mammon was still at the surface but toward the back wall. When I looked to see what had her interest I saw my beautiful glowing white Scherzeri wedged between the spray bar and the back of the tank shredded and eyeless. Mammons are supposed to be peaceful and capable of being kept in a community. Peaceful my foot. I had already moved her from a 135 because she kept harassing my Zebrina. Now she killed my Scherzeri. Needless I was pretty bummed and pissed. While the Mammon has taken on a very bright red coloration much more intense then her usual coloration. I can only guess perhaps she's feeling pretty good about herself after dispatching the would be intruder since the Cat keeps her in her place when it comes to things between them.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2012
That's awful man, last thing you need when you have problems in your daily life is for things to go wrong in your hobby, too.. hope things look better for you soon, all the best man
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Dec 24, 2005
Sorry to hear. Hope things will be better for u soon!
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Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
My condolences for your mother and fish. Those Scherzeri look so cool and I was in awe at the nodosus, You did what you could :(

Hopefully when life clears up you will be able to try some other fish
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 7, 2013
Did you have a nonplat schezeri choke on an EBA some time back? Some of the catfish guys believe in being cursed with random species. Sorry to hear the nodosus didn't make it, crazy it lived that long without eating and it makes me wonder if tbtb was spot on. Hope things turn around, get some sleep bro.
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Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
That's awful man, last thing you need when you have problems in your daily life is for things to go wrong in your hobby, too.. hope things look better for you soon, all the best man
Thanks a lot Chub_by. I've had a run of bad luck lately but I'm trying not to let it shake me. Since the Nodosus came in I had a feeling this was going to be the end result and despite trying to be positive I wasn't really surprised when it did pass. So at least I was more or less ready for it.

Sorry to hear. Hope things will be better for u soon!
Thanks kno4te, I'm not letting it faze me too much. Keepin' my head up.

My condolences for your mother and fish. Those Scherzeri look so cool and I was in awe at the nodosus, You did what you could :(

Hopefully when life clears up you will be able to try some other fish
Thanks Hendre. Yeah they where my faves out of what I have right now but at least I still got one Plat Scherzeri and he's growing up real nice.

Did you have a nonplat schezeri choke on an EBA some time back? Some of the catfish guys believe in being cursed with random species. Sorry to hear the nodosus didn't make it, crazy it lived that long without eating and it makes me wonder if tbtb was spot on. Hope things turn around, get some sleep bro.
Yeah, I've had bad luck with Scherzeri. I did have a normal wild color morph choke on a female EBA. I caught it early enough that the EBA actually made it, unfortunately the Scherzeri didn't.

I do sometimes feel like I'm cursed when it come to keeping Scherzeri. I've got 10+ years old fish and others not far behind but with Scherzeri I keep buying them and they keep dying on me. Usually because of an eating issue. Several I had died because they always where the best hunters of the predators in my tank and managed to get the lion share of the food. Which led to overeating and it putting pressure on their swim bladder causing them to lose their ability to keep a neutral buoyancy. Or they'd quite simply choke to death. Always happened with frozen shrimp which is why I was so determined to get these Scherzeri on pellets and it was going well till this.

I'm not surprised that he hung on so long. IME I've several Woodcats and they all go on hunger strikes from time to time and can go quite awhile before even looking like they're losing weight. I just knew by the way the cat was acting out of the bag there was something wrong. Never acted anything like kno4te's. It's just too bad Wes didn't have any more or get more in.

Again Thanks Guys! I appreciate all the help and support.
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Staff member
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Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
Are these also known as mandarin perch?

Just get you a whole load of rosy barbs, bulletproof buggers. :p
Maybe you must try a low tech biotope if that interests you at all :)


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Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
Are these also known as mandarin perch?

Just get you a whole load of rosy barbs, bulletproof buggers. :p
Maybe you must try a low tech biotope if that interests you at all :)
I've seen them called that on Wikipedia. I've heard them called Korean Perch, Leopard Perch and as Wikipedia refers to them as depending on color morph Golden Mandarin and Leopard Mandarin fish.

Rosy Barbs, sorry not my style. Too small and a little too common for me. I have considered a tank based on a specific biotope but not low tech. I've been thinking about getting long, wide but fairly shallow tanks for a little while and focusing on catfish and pikes. Some of which live in fairly shallow fast moving water which I think a tank based on that kind of environment would be cool to watch.
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