Decoration themes?


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
We all love watching our fish, but do you want your tank(s) to display more than just the fish? Do you want it to reflect other intrests or aspects of your life? Maybe make it a multifaceted teaching tool? Freak out guests and people you live with? What are your craziest, coolest, weirdest tank decorating ideas? I saw this
View attachment 1355075
and thought a horror/sci-fi loving fish nerd would love an Alien themed tank stocked with some oddball type fish.

Emma and I have been collecting specimens for a fossil themed planted tank. Its been a ton of fun so far because not only do we get to nerd out over research and identifying what we find but we also get to go (ROAD TRIP!) digging in the cliffs around the James river. We like getting muddy for science and fish here. I'm loving this project so far for so many reasons.

Inspire me with more awesomeness!
My son is an AVP junkie. Hes gonna love that.

I dont really like any decorations. Just rocks and sand.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
I'm pretty close to the natural look. My daughter's tank has a castle in it. She wanted a unicorn also but it would have made the tank too crowded.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
Apr 8, 2015
I've thrown a skull in (shocker) with driftwood arranged around it in the past with certain fish. It didn't look terrible, but it has to fit the fish. That alien skull would be hard to pull off without a wicked looking fish in with it.

Unless your a master aquascaper themes are very hard to make look right imo.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
I've thrown a skull in (shocker) with driftwood arranged around it in the past with certain fish. It didn't look terrible, but it has to fit the fish. That alien skull would be hard to pull off without a wicked looking fish in with it.

Unless your a master aquascaper themes are very hard to make look right imo.
Alien skull with some wolves would work. Or maybe one of those big spinney alien looking plecos L160 maybe


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 9, 2017
When I first set up my 75 I had a treasure chest with a diver bubbler. Lol It was in memory of the fish tank my parents had. But I got tired of the fake look pretty fast and now like natural rock, wood, and plants. No real theme other then that.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I want to recreate my childhood garden in one of my tanks, I hit a road block though when trying to find something to recreate all the creeping vines that entangled everything.. I tried moss but it didn't look right.

I was having success with ambulia by wrapping it around stuff and tying it, but it doesn't wrap properly around less girthy items, it just sort of snaps and fails. :(

Still looking though. :)
Try the waterproof
Exo Terra Jungle Vines
...that's what I have in my tank. I wanted an "open cozy" theme so the fish would have places to explore, feel secure yet be able to see what's coming. The vines come in small, medium and large. You can get them on amazon. There are also REPTI VINES that simulate Pothos and have a sucker disk to attach to the back. I use real Pothos, tho.

If you have Petco in your area you can get Repti Vines there in the reptile supply section.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
We all love watching our fish, but do you want your tank(s) to display more than just the fish? Do you want it to reflect other intrests or aspects of your life? Maybe make it a multifaceted teaching tool? Freak out guests and people you live with? What are your craziest, coolest, weirdest tank decorating ideas? I saw this
View attachment 1355075
and thought a horror/sci-fi loving fish nerd would love an Alien themed tank stocked with some oddball type fish.

Emma and I have been collecting specimens for a fossil themed planted tank. Its been a ton of fun so far because not only do we get to nerd out over research and identifying what we find but we also get to go (ROAD TRIP!) digging in the cliffs around the James river. We like getting muddy for science and fish here. I'm loving this project so far for so many reasons.

Inspire me with more awesomeness!
Hey mind sharing where that skull is on sale at? I like it and have another project idea for it.
I prefer to keep my tanks decorated to resemble biotopes.