Piranha Tank Size


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 15, 2021
Maryland, USA
So I might be getting a piranha soon if I get good grades, but the only store that sells them is like 2 hours away from here. Can they bite through bags or anything I should be worried about during transport? Also I’m planning to get 1 in a 40 gallon, but my mom keeps telling me to get 2 in case one doesn’t survive transport, but think what if they both live? Would they eat each other? Also I’m new here so please forgive me if I do this wrong! Also why does my profile say “feeder fish”?


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Welcome to the forum.
Profile says feeder fish because it’s just a ranking system based on post count etc.

Make sure the store has them first!

I assume you are talking about red bellied piranhas (pygocentrus nattereri)?

Red bellied piranhas are extremely hardy, so I wouldn’t worry about it dying in transport unless it was subjected to extreme abuse (too cold, hot, bag shaken like the scene in Nemo). I’ve taken puffers (notoriously easy to kill) in a 3 hour car ride without any issues.
Piranhas of the pygocentrus genus like schools, but it has to be in groups of at least 3-5+ for that to work. Two will constantly fight, with the dominant one harassing the weaker one. Inevitably buying two will leave you with one.
40 gallons is a bare minimum because piranhas are quite inactive, but a 12 inch fish would be much happier in a 75 gallon (extra foot long and extra 6 inches wide). Mine was in a 60 and actually died because it got scared and rammed headfirst into the glass (tankmate was a banded leporinus... mean as hell. I don’t recommend keeping piranhas with other types of fish because it causes a lot of stress on both). I’d definitely recommend getting a bigger tank if possible.
It won’t bite through the bag, they have sharp teeth but you are likely getting a 1 inch one which doesn’t have much of teeth. Not until about 3 inches will damage be possible, but even then it isn’t gonna bite through the bag. Only fish I had put a hole in a bag was a Texas cichlid, it was constantly pecking there, luckily the store I got it from wasn’t far from my house and it was a
Avoid live feeders, all they do is bring parasites and other harmful chemicals. Mine grew off of hikari carnivore food sticks, tetra min tropical flakes, and the occasional tankmate experiment.
Note that they love having plentiful hiding spots and dim light (bright light hurts their eyes).

Important question to consider: Why do you want a piranha?
Is it because it is a ravenous predator, because it is not. Piranhas are skittish, ambush predators that spend most of their time hiding. They are painfully skittish and only show that famous behavior during feedings. It takes a lot of work for them to be comfortable with people watching. Mine even played dead when I cleaned the tank it was so scared. They are omnivores and will go after plants (real or fake) as soon as they would other fish.
Red belly piranhas are my favorite freshwater fish because they are so misunderstood and beautiful. They have enough awareness of their surroundings to not be stupid, though they are not as smart as a cichlid. And yeah, the “most dangerous fish in the world” appeal, though false, is fun.

Thanos the RBP:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 15, 2021
Maryland, USA
Thank you so much! I want a piranha because I think they are very beautiful and I like challenges. I have another question though: The store says they are dime or nickel sized. What would I feed that? I’ve read about them but there isn’t as much information as some other fish. Also my mom is scared of having large tanks, so I think a 40 is the best I can get. If I do lots of water changes, will it be okay?


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Those are about a month or two old then. They pack on an inch per month. I got mine at that size. For the first few months I fed it fish flakes. I kept it in my community tank for 3 months until his tank was up and cycled. They are relatively peaceful for the first few months, then get balls and start killing (lost two gouramis in a week, then I knew it was time to move him). Once I got him in his own tank (3 inches at that point) he was feed hikari carnivore sticks. They aren’t picky, if it looks like food, it is food. Brine shrimp and bloodworms also make good treats.
Make sure your tank is cycled before putting it in. If not, I would grow it out in a tank that has been cycled. Piranhas are hardy but nothing plays well with ammonia and nitrite swings.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 15, 2021
Maryland, USA
Thank you again! Do you have any experience using bug bites fish food? My other fish really like it and I was wondering if piranhas could eat it? I think the ingredients are good from what I can tell. Also sorry for my random questions


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Thank you again! Do you have any experience using bug bites fish food? My other fish really like it and I was wondering if piranhas could eat it? I think the ingredients are good from what I can tell. Also sorry for my random questions
Welcome aboard!
Bug Bites will be ok for baby piranha but as it grows will need larger pellets and I would add other foods in rotation like cut up fish preferably Tilapia.


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
I haven’t used big bites but agree with tlindsey tlindsey
As piranhas are young, they eat mostly scales and fins of tetras as well as insects. When they age they begin to go after bigger game fish or any dead carcasses in the water. Only when starving will they go after cattle, dolphins, caimans, and birds.

dr exum

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007

Probably 1 or 3

if a 40g is all your doing - 1

3 in a 75g
