hardiest fish.

  1. HybridFinatic

    Hardiest Central American cichlid?

    From your experience, what is the hardiest medium-large Central American cichlid you know of or have kept? I’m talking rock solid. A fish Resilient to diseases compared to others. A fish that is stronger than the others.
  2. itrebebag99

    Are Carp Tough or Sensitive to Handling?

    I was just wondering if carp are really tough fish, who don't stress out easily when handled; or if carp are really sensitive fish that need to be handled with care, and easily die? Because I have heard both many times. I am going to guess that they aren't easily stressed out, because carp...
  3. Deadliestviper7

    Hardiest fish species

    This thread is for u to share what u think r the hardiest fish species,here r mine:guppy,paradise fish,spotted gar,cherry barb,Picasso trigger.