shortfin eel

  1. xenacanth9

    Shortfin eels

    Anyone know where I could get my hands on some shortfin eels, Anguilla australis in the US? Only places I can find them is on AU-based sites, which I feel like would be crazy expensive to ship.
  2. xenacanth9

    Underrated Eels and Where to Find Them - PART II

    I posted this thread on a couple of cool Anguilla ("true" eel) species that are underappreciated in aquariums about a month ago. Well, here is a continuation. Please note that this thread does not include spiny eels, swamp eels, or any other fish that is commonly sold as an eel without actual...
  3. fishdat

    My Shortfin Eel 'Anguilla bicolor'

    Sharing some pictures of my guy and looking for anyone with experience keeping this species. This thing is an absolute beast, bit through the eye of a 4" iridescent catfish and punctured the brain cavity while attempting to constrict the catfish. Needless to say, I'm in love.